Night elf fans, don't buy

Oh… I so have nothing to live for now.

/sarcasm mode off.

There’s nothing wrong with having an investment in something you’ve been apart of for the better part of 15 years. That anyone’s genuinely upset over such an extensive deconstruction is honestly fair.

If you want something to change, you have to say something. Unfortunately with Blizzard, you have to scream as loud as you can and get as many people to scream along with you, for them to even recognize that you are there. If you can force a kneejerk, even better.

Voting with your wallet and not buying the newest content helps open dialogue with these people who’re in control of something we so dearly love, because they want our business, we want to keep doing business with them and ultimately, they’re doing something that inspires us to not want to play the game, something that everyone wants to avoid.


Congratulations to all of you on completely missing the point of Kyalin’s post. Special shout out to Amadis for derailing it. Stay petty, Amadis.

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I think you’ve got me confused with someone else, but I think it’s clear you’ve little of substance to say.

That’s a pretty bold claim. The Alliance were stretched thin dealing with the Vrykul, and the Wrathgate conflict was well underway by the time the player character arrives. Can you source any of that?

No, but Arthas and Kel’thuzad led the Scourge in raising Alliance into undeath since WoW began. Were the Alliance overall detrimental to the campaign in Northrend since so many of their dead fought for the Scourge?

They aren’t the Alliance that defeated the Horde in the Second War. If the Alliance of then and now are two distinct factions (they are), and the Iron Horde is a different faction, then there’s no precedent set by the Alliance of Lordaeron winning the Second War against Doomhammer’s Horde.

Stormwind lost, then the Alliance won.

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Anduin Lothar being the Supreme Commander doesn’t change that it was the Alliance, not Stormwind, that won the Second War.


Varian Wrynn said so… Sure, maybe he was exaggerating… But no one corrected him.

Well, if they didn’t have to fight the Horde so much, there would be less Alliance dead for Arthas and KT to raise.

Yes but it has been done by the Alliance. The tactics have been well documented. I would argue the inclusion of Nelves and Draenei gives the Alliance a better chance than before.


If you want to devolve this discourse down to its bare elements, sure… But the tactical minds that defeated the Horde came from Stormwind, and that’s the point.

Unfortunately neither of these seem to be true for Blizzard. For the first point here, I’ve been here saying I want change all this time, and it has had no significant impact on the story or presentation. To the second point, Kyalin has been unsubscribed for a good while, and it also has had no impact on the story. BfA still happened regardless of what either of us tried.

For example of something both Kyalin and I participated in was this thread on the previous version of the forums giving feedback on the introductory questing to Darkshore:

And flaws we pointed out remained, were not changed, and still haven’t been addressed.

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Not while the iron horde has modern advanced goblin tech. Without horde victories and champions, the northrend campaign would collapse, that’s a fact.

Also Killing off thrall would be insta game over for azeroth, thrall literally held the world together during the cataclysm.

The Old Horde had Goblin tech too. Zepplins, Sappers, enslaved giant turtles.


Thrall did… That doesn’t mean he was the only one capable.

If you think that either of our posts are about ordering people on what to do with their own money then you either didn’t even attempt to read the body of OP for either thread or you’re illiterate. Also hanging on to forum posts from like 10 years ago is pretty sad.

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Leave it to Nelfist to insult someone while also claiming to be one for civil discourse. Kaylin and he both are the biggest hypocrites I’ve seen. That is why I left their discord long ago. They claimed it to be a place for civil discourse, but invited all the same toxic monkeys from every other memey, wannabe edgy 4chan discord that nelfist has been banned from.

You threw a fit, again, when I didn’t agree with you and your echo chamber guild that Night Elves are a Matriarchy and then cried sexism.

You then baby raged and left when Kyalin didn’t ban me for it.

It is when Katiera isn’t talking.

I’ve been banned from one Discord. The EU discord. That you were also banned from. Kyalin’s discord doesn’t have any of the “toxic monkeys” from the SF Discord.

If you’re gonna talk trash at least be honest when you do.

Oh is that what happened? Funny, because people disagreed with me all the time in other discords and I never left. Weird I would make an exception for you.

I mean… No it wasn’t… But I appreciate this anyway.

I was banned defending you.

Dude… she invited all of them lol. That is literally why I left. It had nothing to do with you.

Something I appreciate and hoped was a sign of that we could set aside the literal one disagreement we have. But you hit your enrage every time.

Valko, Garry, Kaz, Jellex, uhh… Who else… Kheldan… None of them are there. Not even Romarion is there and he’s one of the less egregious ones.

I called you out for being sexist, it wasn’t necessarily that I was angry. My perspective hasn’t changed.

It’s been to long since I have been in the discord, can’t name names. I just remember my decision to leave was based on the toxicity that the discord was intended to be an escape from.

It’s not sexism I just disagree with you.

It is when you don’t baby rage.

And I don’t find it convincing for a sexist to say they are not sexist…

What a very not-toxic thing to say.

I would love you for to point out one thing I’ve said or done other than disagree with you that “Kaldorei live in a Matriarchal Society” that’s “”"“sexist”""".

You know. That Matriarchal Society that has been lead by both a Woman and a Man with equal levels of power for the past ten thousand years.

I have explained my points to you before… Your general response is “nu uh” so… It’s not a conversation I have any desire to have with you.


Feeling is mutual. Considering, as I’ve said before, we pretty much agree on everything else concerning Night Elves.

i am wheezing