Night elf fans, don't buy

you literally said if a guild didnt do it, the aldor and scryers did it, umm thats not how it happened in the story, even back then if you said that, it would be wrong.

And as some NPCs have noted in the past, it could be said the Alliance and Horde strengthen each other through perpetual conflict.

Mass hysteria is a thing, really, I can assure you, blizz didn’t target night elf players, any more than they targeted high elf fans in wc3 when arthas killed 90% of their people.

Prior to Argus and you know it. Pretty sure the scourge would obliterate the alliance in wotlk if they didn’t have horde support. Pretty sure Outland and the dark portal would fall to the legion without horde support. Pretty sure the iron horde would crush the alliance without horde support, pretty sure the alliance would not hold the world in legion without horde support, pretty sure the order halls would be weak without horde races in them.

Sure, but just because you disregard the legitimate concerns of night elf players doesn’t mean they are illegitimate. I do not think I am hysterical when I say things feel as though blizzard has a directed malice toward night elves by the way they portray them and tell their stories.

I mean, I recall Saurfang’s son being raised to be a DK, and a whole boss fight was dedicated to him in ICC… No such thing happened to any obvious Alliance characters that I can recall. So that, plus the Wrathgate, I feel the Horde was actually detrimental to the Northrend campaign.

Pretty sure the Alliance defeated those same folk during the 2nd war.

Yeah, you can zug somewhere else, fam.


Despite all arguments to the contrary, Word of God is that without the Horde Azeroth would’ve fallen long ago. Call it a necessary evil if you want, but it’s necessary.

The Horde is credited with cleaning out Azjol-Nerub.

And if you want to cite Saurfang’s son being raised as a Death Knight being detrimental to the campaign in Northrend, and being the Horde’s fault, what about Arthas or Kel’thuzad?

Two of the kingdoms comprising the Alliance then are now part of the Horde, three are destroyed, and one wasn’t part of the Alliance during WoD. That meant Stormwind would be leading the Alliance against the Iron Horde, and the last time Stormwind went to war with those “same folk”, Stormwind lost.

Save that it was Malfurion in the end who destroyed Archimonde by telling the whisps to detonate Nordrassil.

The true Matriarchal society of the Night Elves was and is Azshara and her Naga.

Now who is hysterical?

They might have, but just because they have done something doesn’t mean the Alliance couldn’t. At the Wrathgate, the Horde still killed more Alliance soldiers than the Scourge.

Neither one of them have been members of the current Alliance.

And replaced with Night Elves, Draenei, Pandaren and Dark Iron.

No, Stormwind won… Anduin Lothar was the supreme commander of the Alliance leading up until the Battle of Blackrock Mountain. By that time, the Horde was in full retreat.

Yawn… You are boring. Can’t tell a matriarchal theocracy when you see it, all because men happen to exist lol.

There are male Naga. But they are fully subservient to the females, w hich is THE prime requisite of defining a matriarchal society. We’ve had this discussion before and I have no desire to ride that horse again.

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Then why did you bring it up? You are well aware that I disagree with you, you are well aware of my perspective. If you have no desire to revisit it, then why did you?

You’re the one who resurrected your poisoned view of Matriarchy as a misguided expression of Feminism

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I stated something I believe to be true. You argued and then said you didn’t want to argue lol.

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You stated a position that plays straight into the script of people like Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh who describe feminists as man-hating feminazis.

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My perspective of night elves being matriarchal has nothing to do with my political views, or feminism. Simply as a feminist, I am drawn to a fantasy race that is matriarchal in it’s structure, but not by the virtue of man-hate. Night Elf Matriarchy is rooted in their religion, not based on man-hate. You can disagree with me and that is fine. You have the right to be wrong.

If you think that is somehow damaging to feminism, then let me just say… I really don’t care enough about you to value your opinion.

Akiyass said one time to me, that druids where never male only

Kat says she is a big breasted Hispanic girl, when in reality he is a dude.

See, I can play this game too.

imagine bullying people about gender, I bet you feel so big.

Imagine catfishing people…

I bet you feel so small.

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Ladies, ladies, do not fight.

You’re both awful. Although Kat didn’t randomly start throwing personal attacks first this time, so she’s got that going.