Night elf fans, don't buy

So comparable the War of the Thorns was practically just Sylvanas being Arthas 2.0.

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I don’t know if you mean strictly in the game or not, but I would put the Orcs turning the Draenei into the Path of Glory up there.


Nah, you could implicate the entire Horde for starting and participating in a war that led to the World Tree being burned. This entire war was the reason any of this was possible, so yes the Horde is accountable for what transpired at Teldrassil whether you like it or not.

Well I know that, but they haven’t actually been made playable yet. Night Warrior blessings seem like an easy justification for there being enough of them to be made playable, though.

Would be very, very strange to see Night Elves that are supposed to be Night Warrior boosted or whatever with all the standard paladin cosmetics, though.

Wow lore is just a contest of who can be the bigger moron KEKW


I’m sure the alliance provocations like countless alliance spies and assassin’s in orgrimmar prior to the war, and Genn attacking the warchief in stormheim at a time of truce between the factions will be ignored by you.

If the whole horde is responsible for teldrassil, then the whole alliance is responsible for the purge of dalaran, garithos and daelin and adelas Blackmoore. On that slippery slope, morality means nothing, as both sides are immoral monsters, since you set the precedent that having a majority of good people means nothing, and having one bad person damns the whole faction.

The problem is that the Horde seemed pretty fine with what they did. Minus a few leaders being uncomfortable.

Riven, just want to say daelin was proven to be right that the horde and the orcs wouldn’t change. His methods were wrong, but he wasn’t wrong. His plan was wrong, but the horde proved him right. That they would always revert to their old ways.


False equivalence because for starters, the alliance is not ruled by the same system as the horde and yes, their warchiefs damn the whole horde because the warchief IS the horde.
and please, The purge is some sort of atrocity? the biggest crime in the history of the franchise? hahahahahaha

alright, lets say that it was the closest thing we had to the alliance doing something “bad”. well, the alliance and the kirin tor still supported jaina after the fact. so yes, we can say that leaders of the alliance supported it in their own way.

We cannot say the same about the people like daelin who was not supported by not even his daugther who did not wanted more war. so pretty much the current alliance did not supported him. in fact, that is exactly why kultiras left in the first place.


Where was this NPC?


If someone had burned down Orgrimmar including it’s citizens, I doubt that such an event would upset many in the Alliance.

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Night Elves don’t go to the maw

Yes they do as the Shadowlands are broken. Everyone that died goes into the maw and that includes most of the night elven race.


But I need to do my Winterveil shopping! I need to go to the Mall!

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Unfortunately they do now:

    Into the Shadowlands
    The Broken Machine

    The machine of death is broken, and players entering the Shadowlands will find the realm of the dead in disarray. In the natural order of things, souls are sorted and sent on to an afterlife realm appropriate to the lives they lived, but now, but over the past few years, all souls who have perished—including the innocents slain at Teldrassil—are being funneled directly into the Maw. The Shadowlands are starving for anima even as the Maw continues to grow from the glut of fresh souls.

    Sylvanas has been seemingly perpetrating acts to bring about great amounts of death and destruction. In partnership with the Jailer, they have been working toward a common end for some time.

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The Horde is being painted as blatant villains once again. It is strange as well, wasn’t Liadrin semi-neutral or mysteriously absent or something for several expansions?

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She was one of the first two Champions the Paladin player recruits in their Order Hall during Legion. She also had a large role in Suramar questline.

I believe she was on the Vindicaar during Argus as well. One of a handful of Horde characters present.

Before Legion she was part of the group that went through the Dark Portal in WoD and played a large role in Talador in defending Auchindoun. That was basically her being the Leader of the Blood Elf half of the “Shattered Sun Offensive call back” moment.

I am not sure of her whereabouts in Cata and MOP.

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It does not matter if “Daelin was right” genocide is always evil. No matter what your reason for it, especially since Innocents do exist in the horde.

But Daelin was wrong, as without the horde, azeroth would have fallen to the legion or old gods by now, the alliance can’t defend azeroth alone.

Nah, Blizzard will give them plot armor one way or another. It’s been the trend for almost every major lore character to be powerful heroes of the story.

Who needs tactics when you can just thanos snap people out of existance?


like i said. I disagreed with his methods and plan, but he was right. The Horde has to go.