Night elf fans, don't buy

If you got what you wanted and the horde was eliminated, azeroth would be destroyed by the legion, no question. Everyone to the last would be burned to death with fel fire.

If you think that’s a better scenario than just letting the horde live, perhaps you are the villain in this story. The amount of times the horde has saved the world far outweighs Sylvanas burning teldrassil, not to mention, she is, and perhaps the catapult engineers, are solely responsible for it, not the entire horde who was not present.

idk… I didn’t see the Horde really do anything on Argus.


As it turns out the real answer is that it’s not a simple question of Daelin being wrong or right. The answer is that he was both, at different times, for different reasons.

He was wrong then because Thrall’s Horde was trying to co-exist with Theramore. He was right because there was nothing in the Horde’s style of government that would give proper checks on a Garoosh… or Sylvannas until it was far far too late.


Jesus, really, another one of these threads?

Listen - crazed Nelf fans - nobody here cares if you buy the game or not. But stop telling grown folks how to use their own hard earned money. You are addressing other Nelf fans as if they are misguided children.

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Which you are clearly not, so why are you here?

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Because I enjoy watching crazy people from a safe distance and aspects of their fan base certainly offer that.


Night Elf fans are crazy for being unhappy with the portrayal and treatment of their playable race of choice?

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No. That’s fair I love the Forsaken I’ve similar grievances.

The difference however is I do not view Blizzard’s weird writing as a personal attack against me. Nor would I dream of telling other players how to spend their own money. If Blizz were to ever cross a line for me I’d just quietly stop playing. I wouldn’t write a thesis about it.


But your experience is not our experience. I feel like if this is a feeling that extends across a majority of a community, it is either that there is some merit to it, or Blizzard has been real negligent in their consideration for a percentage of their player base.

I feel like to write off a whole community of people as “crazy” regarding their concerns is intellectually dishonest as well as dehumanizing.

Then that is your choice. Though, I think this is where the Night Elf playerbase, as a community, is right now. Communities come together to boycott and protest companies all the time… This is just more of that. No one is telling anyone to do anything. This just happens to be a perspective Kaldorei players are sharing right now.

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Allow me to rephrase that then,

Holding fiction so closely that it can feel like an attack against you personally when it goes in a direction you dissaprove of is a sign of an unwell mind, in my humble opinion.


I mean, its not just going in a direction we disapprove of. It is the systematic deconstruction of everything that made this race special to us. It’s a continuous and repeating pattern. One I do not deny happens to other races, but not as much and not in the same way.

Furthermore, I don’t think there is anything wrong with being passionate about fiction. Again, your experience is not our experience.

There are degrees to consider. Maybe I can put it into perspective.

Fantasy is something I have always loved, even as a young child. However, it was never quite as geared towards girls as much as it was geared toward boys. Lord of the Rings, for example, (and still among my favorite series of books and movies) is dominated by an nearly all-male cast, with the occasional spattering of minor female characters.

In D&D, the Drow is a race of subterranean, Matriarchal Elves… Cool, except traditionally they are inherently evil figures that are intended to be overcome and beaten by what is most likely a male adventuring party.

I don’t want to get too preachy about feminism, but just keep in mind, that’s stuff I look for an I identify with. Powerful, even domineering women in fantasy, and the traditionally few examples that exist, has always been something, even as a youngin, I have been inherently drawn too and identified with.

While I was always a fan of Warcraft from Warcraft 2, the Night Elves won the day in Warcraft 3, with these powerful, matriarchal warrior women. Malfurion getting told my Tyrande whenever he thought to tell her what to do. “Only the Goddess may forbid me anything” has always been in the forefront of my mind when playing my Night Elf.

So something as seemingly trivial as a “Hush Tyrande” moment is not just a direction I do not like, it is a full breach of everything I loved about the race and character. It’s taking everything you like about something, and making it not that.

And yeah, it is just fiction, but it sucks to have something taken away from you. It’s worse than even the material sense, it’s something being taken from you in the sentimental sense.

Sure, I can wash my hands of it, and probably be a lot happier for it. I am fully capable of doing that. I am perfect healthy and sound of mind to do that. But I shouldn’t have too… No one should. Instead, Blizzard has a responsibility to deliver on the promise they, themselves have made to their fans, and take the care that should be expected from a franchise that is so beloved by so many.


Blizzard only really has a responsibility to it’s share holders. The number of players who legitimately care about the story are in the minority. They’ve openly stated that they’re willing to retcon continuity to serve their immediate needs. Hence Windrunner meeting the Jailor in Edge of Night. That’s a story from her perspective- you can’t say something happened off camera she was the camera.

So while I appreciate your greviances I think WoW, for better and for worse, is just something you’ve to take as it comes. The Forsaken got pretty roughed up (by that I mean lost - everything and gained nothing) but hey new customization options. Nelves are getting an entire zone in the new expansion- Ardenweald is dedicated to the Kaldorei aesthetic.

So, either take that and hope they give you something you like down the road or don’t. But siding with the Chinese government didn’t hurt Blizz’s pockets enough to stop. What’s a partial Nelf fan boycott going to manage?

I mean, I guess I am in the minority who thinks Blizzard didn’t side with the Chinese Government. The player who made that shout-out knowingly breached his contract in doing so, and Blizzard was in a lose-lose situation as soon as it happened.

But that’s neither here or there… I am not sure if a boycott of Blizzard from nelf fans will do anything, probably not. But I don’t so much like sitting around, pretending everything is okay when its not. It is difficult for me to really hope that Blizzard is going to get it right after they so consistently get it wrong. And regardless of the truth of it, it often feels like active malice. Which to me, reveals either that reality, or just Blizzard has really screwed the pooch. Don’t rightly know anymore.

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Words are kind of hallow because if ironforge blew up and the nelves where leading the offensive against the horde you wouldn’t care

I mean, I like dwarves, but yeah, I would care less. Mostly because dwarves have not had the same issues the night elves had.

For the record, I think the Forsaken have been treated pretty poorly too. I still think night elves have them beat a little, but not by a whole lot.

BFA dropped the ball on almost all fronts. The story was equal parts bewildering and offensively tone deaf. The Horde was portrayed as outright evil while the Alliance looked like idiots. The Nelves and Forsaken lost city’s many of us have loved since childhood to serve as a stakes raiser for a plot that didn’t even last the length of it’s own titular expansion.

But that’s why I’m looking forward to SL. If they can manage to somehow do worse this time around it’ll be more impressive than disheartening. Like watching a man dig his own grave hit an underground well so now he’s managed to drown while being buried alive. Sad maybe but - certainly interesting to watch.

The Sylvanas plot is still going it didn’t last the length of this xpac it’s lasting the length of two

That’s fair… The real frustrating thing is the BfA story could have been done well if given the least bit of peer review. I am not sure which would be worse, Blizzard not having their stories peer reviewed by a team of lore experts and hired fans… Or the implication that it is, and it still was put through.

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I think their core team of writers just isn’t reigned in. They brought in novelists and it frankly shows. Maybe if this was a book you’d suffer through the weird turns in the hope the ending might be worth it.

But this is an ongoing story with millions of active participants. There’s a reason game story writers tend to be in their own niche this is nothing like a book or screenplay.


cause in wow, it takes about 6 months for the next chapter