Night elf banner in the CoT

Is it just me, or is that the same banner that’s found throughout the Broken Isles’ Night Elven areas (pre-Sundering).

Does this mean they are abandoning the old Darnassus banner/icon? I guess it makes sense now that it became a deep fried tree.


Since 8.1 we can see how the Darnassian Banner was replaced by the same Banners seen in Azsuna. It was first seen used by Night Elves in the Darkshore Warfront and now most recently you can see it in the Aniversary Event in Caverns of Time so it’s safe to say we got ourselves a brand new (or in this case old) Banner.
I’m just waiting for a Tabard Matching it becase I do admit it looks nice.


I hope they move somewhere with this.

For the heritage set (if there will be one), it also doesn’t make sense to farm reputation for Darnassus when… well… it’s just a pile of ash.


Honestly, I’d love for them to change or at least give a corresponding Tabard after reaching the Burning part in the Timeline.

Same for Forsaken so that no one complains. It’d be at least something for such poorly treated races this expac.


New Darnassus can still be made as another alliance expansion capital-- just don’t think it will work in the shadowlands.

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As long as we get a good story arc for Tyrande and the Night Elves and can wait for another expansion until I get a home.


I swear to god, at least let HER kill Sylvanas if they plan on killing her.

One big K A B O O M with the strongest Moonblast Elune has to offer and I’ll be satisfied… well, maybe if we see her scream and disintegrate in said blast.


I think Genn should get it myself unless boy wonder has made him forgive her through the power of a good talking to and the power of friendship.

Genn and Tyrande should get to tag team Sylvanas and rip her to shreds. They both deserve it as they have suffered the most from Sylvanas.


Ok then, Genn will scratch her, then Tyrande can drop the Moon Nuke on her.

Do we have a deal?


Also it’s interesting that you point this out because someone mentioned that the Gilneas/Worgen flag was also changed… I think they said it was changed so that it still has the Gilnean colors but it now has the Stormwind logo on it. I’ll be disappointed as hell if this means they are just assimilating the Gilneans in with Stormwind Humans.

Hmmmmm. I don’t know, Genn has almost lost more to Sylvanas than Tyrande. Sylvanas attacked Gilneas killing thousands, enslaving others, blight bombed the city, and killed his son in front of him. Then killed the majority of his people left in Teldrassil.

I think Genn deserves more than just a scratch on Sylvanas. He deserves to like rip her arm and leg off, and impale her with his claws, then leave her there for Tyrande to Moon Nuke.


If you’re talking about the Warcraft 2 flag, changed to the current Cafe-like logo you have, then yes it was changed.

If you mean the navy-blue flags with the Lion, I don’t think it’s their flag, it’s just the same way Dalaran has fancy Horde flags that are not ragged. It’s just sort of an adaptation.

Maybe? I haven’t seen it personally. Someone said that the flag that was across from the Goblin one, presumably the one that is meant to represent Worgen/Gilneans, has the same colors as the Gilnean flag, but it has the Stormwind crest.


Honestly, I’ll sum up my feelings about this with a:

W 0 T

Feels honestly, stupid. Are they giving up on Gilneas and fusing with the SW humans? Right before their heritage questline? Geez…


That’s probably it. And I really hope that is not the case. I’ll be very disappointed/pissed if they just decide screw the Gilneans they are part of Stormwind now and have to bend their knees to High King Anduin now.


I wouldn’t be surprised, considering Genn is Anduin’s lapdog lately.

I am no Worgen player, but add my voice to the complains, it seems extremely cheap.


I like the new flag, it has a much more ancient feeling. I never really cared for the original. It used to be a gold tree in a purple field then the tree switched to silver. The new one should stay.


They mentioned Tyrande is there asking about Elune’s absence-- I don’t imagine it will make Tyrande look good.

Genn has control in Stormwind’s forces, I believe it does make sense.

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The heritage questline that’s all about how unimportant them and their homeland are?

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