Are Tyrande and Malfurion too old to have babies? I feel like that’s the next step in their character progression.
They adopted Shandris as their daughter.
They literally cared for the birth of a world tree that encompassed most of their race.
Pretty sure that’s like super parenthood, on steroids.
Shandris also exists as their adopted daughter.
This is… weirdly specific
Nelf children are rare. I can’t remember the specifics as to why, though. And I’m too lazy to go look it up.
Good grief
Oh, and here I was thinking death was their next step in character progression.
There’s actually new models for Night Elven kids, I assume at Bel’Ameth under Amirdrassil, from a while back.
IF those two had a child, I wouldn’t be that surprised, honestly.
i think elves fertile age is far longer than humans they are technically immortal and possibly can have more kids cause of that.
They are the babies.
Tyrande is the biggest crybully in the series except Jaina.
you mean malfurion is " OH TYRANDE I NEED YOU HELP ME TYRANDE!!!" back in legion in the most beta way…
i thought their immortality got taken away when the world tree went away or something. did they get it back? i know blood elves aren’t immortal. well, i don’t actually know of any dying of old age. but nothing in the game said they are immortal.
Here’s my question, where are our parents? Are we all orphans or is our parent Azeroth?
acording to thousand years of war the high elves at least it was said they kinda have a form of immortality in they could live forever if not killed idk the sunwell was the reason given. but if we think about it night elves lived thousands of years without either the first generation of high elves from exile parrents lived from pre sundering kalimdor to at least 3rd war for most only a handful of them are left (character in the short story a goood war mentioned his mother was from kalimdor pre exile and died in the scourge so) not sure but they do kinda just live much longer so them having kids later and having more makes more sense.
evokers don’t have any parents
but yeah every other class could in theory have parents
but you can’t really expect blizzard to write in lore for everyone’s character
maybe if you found a developer and paid him or her off enough they would add your character’s parents to the game
Well, they had a father but he wasn’t very good at it. <.<
evokers dont have parrents they were factory made.
You know, this actually leads into an interesting question: Can Dracthyr Concieve?
Like, I’m wondering this because there was a similar species in the Dragonlance series that had been artificially created as mass produced male soldiers and this actually became a plot point in a later novel; that their was a clutch of unhatched female eggs in the world.
So it kind of begs the question: would Neltharion have thought to give them the ability to concieve?
I really hope they don’t have any more children past adopting Shandris.
Hopefully they can! Otherwise they will go extinct someday. Plus it’s fun to try