Nice Interview

No, seems fine. If you’re confused go ahead and ask for clarification. I’m not saying that there isn’t already a legacy to it (although it is being blown out of proportion and applied to whites generally which is a major problem). I am saying that the focus of these hipster cults will shift to the past completely, when the current scapegoats are mostly gone.


An opinion.

A stupid, near-sighted, clearly bigoted one, but one you’re allowed to have.

How about you take it in the context in which it was applied?

This person is implying that whites are getting some kind of crappy end of the stick here, when the reality is they are by far the biggest profiteers of modern society in almost every which-way conceivable.

Diversity as a concept can be misused, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not a poor concept in and of itself. It has its value.


Isn’t this also an opinion?

And if it’s one he is allowed to have, why do you always report him?


It is.


I have literally never reported Fasc. At most he was on my ignore list for a couple months but at this point I’ve a solid understanding of how he functions so it’s unnecessary anymore.

Diversity can be a positive thing, and I’ll give an example.

I don’t trust a room full of men to design the most comfortable fitting tamp.

I don’t trust a room full of women to design the most comfortable fitting condom.

There’s a reason why.

There are certain lived experiences unique to being a man, being a woman, being black, being asian, being whatever you are, that cannot be represented or considered in a result or product if all the makers are of the same lived experience. That isn’t to say being white means your life is the same as every white person, but there’s elements you’re definitely going to be missing by not being a woman, or not being black.

This is important in creative spaces sometimes, because creativity projects often want to broaden the appeal of their project to everyone and not just one type of person (generally).

If you actually engaged in any good faith, I might otherwise be inclined to believe you.


Exactly, I don’t see Black or Indian working in construction.

White and Hispanic makes up the majority.

I’m betting that NOBODY is arguing with this on literal terms. I think you’re being facetious though, because you clearly understand that :

I think it’s a diversion tactic to be honest, you’ve got a company in the gutter for a combination of poor game design decisions for years on end combined with recent moral failings of leadership coming to light.

You shouldn’t be surprised that the “diversity” talk (NOTE THE QUOTATION MARKS IN CONTEXT AS A FORM OF OFT USED SARCASM), falls on deaf ears with people, and in fact only further enrages them. It appears that (whether you disagree about their intent or not) Blizzard may be using it as a tool to virtue signal, when what the customer base largely wants is for them to just make a better freaking game and stop harassing employees.

Of course diversity is useful or can be beautiful in terms of acquiring a perspective, but color is EASILY one of the least interesting places to get it. People of the same color can live RADICALLY different lives, you should never make the color a feature, all you need to do is to allow diversity to exist, don’t exaggerate it, don’t try to get your “numbers” up etc. etc. just let it exist.

I think part of the problem is we hear talk about diversity as almost a kind of moral strength lately, and this is not really true. It may not even be true that it’s a practical strength. It’s really hard to immigrate to Japan for instance, they aren’t the world’s biggest fans of diversity by that (shallow) definition, and maybe that has it’s own strengths; maybe they understand each other better over there? I’m not making the case for or against diversity, I’m just saying that everything has costs and benefits, so don’t prosthelytize to people about how diversity = virtue. It’s a weird thing to focus on, just let people be who they are so long as they aren’t hurting people, end of story. If you’re an employer, just focus on who the person chooses to be and whether that is a good fit.

Humans are tribal by nature, it’s an evolutionary vestige that we should be aware of. We don’t HAVE to fight against it (e.g. if you’re a Chinese immigrant and want to live in Chinatown great, I don’t want to force you to assimilate in any fashion beyond only your acceptance of fundamental American values e.g. you MUST respect freedom of speech). If your mom packed tacos for school every day so you have a habit of getting them on lunch I don’t want to force you to eat at the burger joint, but the idea that we would go around forcing people to eat a diverse diet is equally weird and in some context downright tyrannical.


But nobody is forcing you to play WoW, you’re free to just not play it.

Think of all those wonders of the ancient world, castles, Renaissance architecture and modern skyscrapers that were built without an equal representation of non-men and minorities. How terrifying that must be for an open-minded progressive.


He won’t read any of this.


No, but it appears that Ion is weirdly fetishizing the idea of token diversity if he is in fact fixated on the whiteness or maleness of candidates being a negative element. Would he be asking the same question if most of the apps that came in were black women?? Somehow I doubt it, unless we lived in an alternate universe where his political agenda were swapped around.

I’m talking about trying to force an exaggerated sense of diversity into play, THAT is something I think they might be doing based on his statements, and if hiring designers based on tokenism as opposed to quality is in play then players have every right to “lose their minds” at the mention of “muh diversity”.


There’s no evidence that promotes diversity as being inherently positive or negative. The assumption is simply taken on faith.

Frustrating about this is the fact that Christianity or a general faith in some deistic paradigm is rejected on the same basis.


There’s also no evidence that the promotion of diversity is the cause of Blizzard’s current failings.

If there is this thread has sure gone on quite long without anyone mentioning any.

I think you overstate the accomplishments of white males.

White men would definitely have been a minority in ancient Africa. Didn’t seem to be needed though.

Yes there is.

Really lol? Playing dumb?

People are clearly concerned that the game is in a compromised state and are looking for answers about exactly how Blizzard plans to move forward and recover. When they put on a woke censorship show in-game and then follow that up with this it doesn’t exactly instill confidence.

Your energy and time are limited. People are worried that their focus on stupid political virtue signaling will detract from their ability to just make good stuff. It shows that they’re potentially really out of touch with what matters most to players.

Gameplay first. It’s not about “diversity causes X”, it’s “your company is sucking, where is your focus now?”.


Ion was a bro, from a bro guild, before he was hired to work at Blizzard. If you think he wasn’t up to his neck in that “bro culture” they keep referring to you’re level of cognitive dissonance is off the charts.

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In the first article linked by the one you posted, it is very specifically mentioned:

We acknowledge that these findings, though consistent, aren’t proof of a direct relationship between diversity and financial success.

Second article leads to a 404 error.

The APA study cited by the third article also leads to a 404 error.

The study done by the fourth article is about stock-picking, not diversity hiring.

The fifth article is interesting in that the “diversity” is age-related rather than being sex or race-related. In which case, the article seems to indicate that older people seem to have more knowledge and experience than younger people or that younger people seem to assume that older people have more knowledge and experience.

Yeah, go figure?

Article six says, “Not every diverse group beat the very able groups, but some did, because they were open to a range of solutions not considered by the very able students.” So they admit it doesn’t prove anything.

Article seven doesn’t account for any conflicts of interest inherent within the paradigm that claims diversity as being the greatest good.

Lastly, the article you posted has a huge disclaimer at the very end that you should read.

In fact, maybe read what you post before you post it. Seems to me you just googled something to try to prove me wrong and didn’t do due diligence in actually reading any of it.


Correlation =/= causation obviously. Generally articles are pretty bad with editorialization, it’s better to refer to specific studies and subject matter experts. Usually if I’m trying to convince someone of something my favorite way is to find a debate (preferably discussion format though not actual debate) between two experts on opposite sides of an issue making the strongest case they can in either direction, and let people decide off of that.

It can be hard to find people willing to debate in an honest way about issues that are almost entirely politically motivated in their inception like this one though.


Press X for doubt.