Nice Interview

Im not sure if thats a compliment or not but ill take it either way

This kind of talk is super low IQ, I have no idea why people NEVER seem to consider what people are INTERESTED in doing as a form of work when looking at job disparities. All those women dominating the nursing field because they WANT TO and there are very basic psychological explanations of that which are well-established.

Does that mean ALL women will enjoy nursing or personal care (elderly, child) fields?? No of course not, but it does mean many more of them will enjoy it than men. Just so happens that there are a lot of nerdy boys who enjoy video games of this ilk, more than there are women by a long shot… and we happen to be in a majority white country.

Math is racist though, according to that one guardian article or the BBC or whatever lol.


This doesn’t make any sense… Would you mind expanding on this some?

It’s also why schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder are common psychological disorders.

That’ll happen eventually when people are made to accept an idea and only to be told to accept another that is mutually exclusive. They will be made to adopt two mindsets. Incidentally, this is also why divorce has such devastating and lingering psychological impact on children.


The go-to workaround is that the very interests themselves are being bent and corrupted by the evil system everyone lives in. Women prefer nursing not because that’s something women just naturally prefer, but because THE EVIL PATRIARCHY™ compels it.

It just renders everything entirely unverifiable and unfalsifiable and outright silly. A woman likes to be a nurse? She’s internalizing her oppressor’s desires. A woman struggles to enjoy chemical engineering? Clearly the oppression of men is to blame. A woman says to stop crying and suck it up? DEFINITELY just simping for the men. It is insanity.

Which part?


I’d honestly like to see some kind, any kind, of proof that the non-white or non-men at Blizzard are the ones particularly at fault for the game being bad.

People just see the word “diversity” and they lose their f’in minds it seems…

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All of it.

I read that article. That worried me.

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Because “diversity” means “non-white”


I’ve seen many people claim to supoort diversity, but they do so from a distance. When faced with cettain types of diversity, they suddenly find reasons to not be part of it.


Have you ever heard the phrase:

“When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression”?

You’re living that phrase right now.


No, never heard that phrase.

How am I living that phrase right now?

Because “diversity” has lost any useful meaning and is now purely normative in how it means “non-white, male, straight, etc”

It is a dumb quality to pursue and the people that peddle it are dumb people.

Neat. Pointless, but neat.

Who cares what things “feel” like, when what they are matters so much more. Also using loaded language like “privilege” and “oppression” assumes far more than it can.

Also equality is meaningless in a world without free will.


Reminds me of how Michael Scott listened to advice of a stripper because her slogan “rhymed.”


I mean take it seriously for a moment and see what it leads to, if anything:

Here in this thread we’re talking about hiring practices, so the privilege must be something like I don't get passed over for jobs on account of my race/gender. But the alternative is I do get passed over for jobs on account of my race/gender which according to the axiom is somehow… equality?

If “equality” means we all get screwed based on race/gender, then I’m sorry that doesn’t feel like oppression, that’s just textbook oppression, which should be rejected.

Instead if its just to make me feel bad that some people do get passed over because of race/gender, my response is going to be “Okay, well then stop accounting for race/gender so that people just get hired for non-discriminatory reasons.” That means both the white dude and the non-white dudette get the same shot at the same job… the end. But that isn’t the suggested response, but rather we’re just going to assume white men are given a preference so let’s SWAP that to non-white non-men instead!

It is idiotic.


Well, he’s also assuming something about my own status in life which is incredibly rude.

Serious question: do female-to-male trans people become oppressors by default?


LOL this is like a scientific racist asking for data points to support their twisted thesis about why XYZ’s are inferior to their chosen race. I’m guessing you weren’t sharp enough to catch the irony in that.

By the way, the data you’re asking for (regardless of it’s content) literally doesn’t matter, because we’re not going to associate good or bad performance with race, because even if there WERE a correlation, we as a NON-RACIST society (in terms of founding and mainstream sentiment) are going to focus on the factors we can change to provide support to ANYONE struggling, not to prop up particular racial categories. Period… so your insinuation is ridiculous.

An easy answer though?? Again, because we live in a majority white country (especially at the time that Blizzard was founded, as there will be some vestigial workforce), and because men tend to be more interested in engineering / video games (hard to pin down the exact intersection of a WoW dev’s interests though) you’re probably going to have more white men in game design to begin with. So it would follow that it’s more likely that if there are bad actors in the company, then they may have a strong chance of being white men.

The point is, that these immutable characteristics, DON’T. MATTER.


Another serious question: If whites become a minority, do they automatically become an oppressed class?


That’s a question the uber-progressive zealots will have to contend with in the near future potentially. The obvious answer is no.

We know from the amount of extreme mental gymnastics these people do in order to support their projections and world-view that in the very least the thought-leaders (if you want to call them that) of these movements will mostly be willing to ignore or twist data to support a feelings-based outcome that they’re trying to achieve.

My guess is they’ll talk about the LEGACY of white supremacy or something like that, and how it’s keeping everyone down, even if white people were only 15% of the population at some point. That’s assuming the culture doesn’t self-correct these stupid ideas out before then though, which I am hopeful of.

Also side note, how dumb is it that we assume there is no diversity among white men?? You know there’s not a country called white, right??? Various European and Nordic origins that you can have lineage from are quite diversified… but that requires looking at people below the level of skin.


Ya might wanna rephrase that.

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