Nice Interview

You have gotten some misinformation, here. EVERY firefighter is required to have a CPAT certification, and the physical requirements are the same for males and females. I don’t think anyone can seriously argue that this should be changed. Only 7% of firefighters are female and women are NOT being fast tracked into firefighting positions or having the physical requirements waved.

Not happening.

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14% is a low estimate when we account that Apple themselves have said it’s much too high. Let’s not forget that whites are the majority within the US with white males leaning to tech jobs. Of course there’s going to be a majority, it’s like asking why the NBA is 90% black with little to no representation of Latinos, Asians, women or LGBT.

There’s already been discrimination again white males. There’s a reason why people are concerned.

Did you ever consider the fact that if people as you say were getting hired that weren’t qualified will be an even bigger issue if there’s diversity quotas or if they’re hiring simply by gender/skin color, without qualifications to fill a quota?

I really don’t think you actually watched the Southpark episode as the whole episode pointed out the issues of cheap labor.


Some of the first set of prominent SCOTUS cases after the passage of the 14th Amendment were to knock down discriminatory hiring practices that were deliberately excluding WHITE applicants in favor of non-white applicants. People were very concerned with undoing past wrongs and so they told white people to take a hike… and the law slapped it down for obvious reasons.

These “fake fears” have materialized in the US for decades before most people here were even alive, and in some cases their parents too.


You have no idea what you’re talking about. You can bypass the physical challenge aspect of the FF by doing the endurance aspect. FF as a whole has been a target for diversity quotas with Departments unwilling to drop poor recruits who check a box due to losing funds.

I know for a fact that several departments near me have women who cannot even handle the lightest hoses or drag more than 100 pounds and are still on the force. They’re simply tucked into the back where they won’t get in the way.


In the tech industry? I need an explanation.

NO ONE is saying they’re going to hire unqualified people. No one. This is the knee jerk reaction I was talking about. Qualified woman have been passed over both in hiring and promotion in the tech industry. They have been paid less for the same or bigger work load. That is a documented fact. So hiring these qualified individuals as well as promoting them and paying them equal wages is hardly discrimination. It’s correcting a practice of discrimination that has gone on for decades.

Oh good lord. :roll_eyes:

You’re right. People don’t say that the person they just hired is unqualified, because that would just admit incompetence on their part for doing so. Good thing we can just take assurances that quality control isn’t taking a hit at face value eh?

So have qualified men.

So have men.


This thread delivered. :popcorn:


Again you’re misinformed. ALL firefighters are required to have a CPAT certification. You can prove me wrong by trotting out some evidence to the contrary.

You can keep linking what you want but I work with FF with my job and know for a fact this is an issue with the smaller departments as they need the funds more. The funding situation is screwed. This has been a complaint from several FF who do not want to be partnered with these unqualified people.

In places like NY or large departments they don’t have these issues.

Also for the southpark episode you clearly missed the entire issue with the episode that it was talking about.

Google was underpaying men for the same work as women.


Only not:

“Since Google’s analysis caught the discrepancy before changes were implemented, the Level 4 male engineers were not paid less than women.”

Jim Finberg, the lawyer representing the current and former female employees in the pay-equity lawsuit, says Google’s report contradicts expert analysis of the company’s own payroll data.

Any “solution” that combats discrimination by using more discrimination is doomed to fail. It is how the U.S. has come to the current impasse of tribalism that it is currently suffering.


Well your wired news article is much more credible than my CNBC article.

Any person that currently works in corporate America is well aware that companies would prefer to hire qualified women and minorities over white males. Trying to argue the counter shows you have no idea what you are talking about.


dont you guys know its 2021 everything needs to be a power rangers cast with one of each and f* the quality of the product thats not important.


He is so self-contradictory. He says one thing and immediately backtracks it in the next sentence.

Here he makes it out like it’s no big deal:

“Rather than actually tackling the hard issues, we’re just changing some words in a game.”

Oh, so this is just a mere “changing” of some words in the game. Nothing to get upset about, here. Words don’t matter.

“We understand that we’re not fixing systemic injustice by changing an emote in World of Warcraft.”

Acknowledgement that this is more than just “changing words” because the implication is that this is in response to “systemic injustice.” So they’re not just “changing words” anymore.

But if doesn’t affect systemic injustice, then why even do it?

“But why not do that while we’re also working on larger cultural unity and diversity and safety issues and more?”

So, first this is just a simple changing of words. But then it’s changing words because of these so-called “systemic injustices.” But it won’t fix systemic injustices. But then it is intentioned to fix systemic injustices.

Also, keep in mind, Ion who is a white male says the following:

Recognizing that the game industry has had certain skews — male-dominated is one obvious one, especially in design — we need to work harder to build and find the qualified candidates who are out there. We can’t just open up a position, take the first couple dozen resumes, look through them, and pick someone out of that pile, because we may just get a couple dozen white male resumes.

Is there a reason he hasn’t resigned his position to a woman or a person of color at this point in time? Isn’t he the pinnacle of the “systemic injustice” he was referring to earlier? What a hypocrite!


What the f?

I usually go to Azeroth to escape reality where everywhere I go there is a rainbow or communist flag and people calling me white male cis homophobic racist and etc just because I say good morning.

I like to be a Female Undead and nothing else.

Azeroth should be a place where we can be what we are: fantasy characters.


Insert judgy rant about how you’re complicit in things and stuff that are bad because you want the PRIVILEGE of ignoring those bad things…

Or something…


Press X to doubt


Very good point. Why is he still working at blizzard if they really care about diversity?

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This is one thing that always gets them all the time.

I remember watching a video with some College debate, basically it was brought up by a “woke” white person about systematic injustices etc etc and defending Diversity quotas. In reply the speaker asked the white person if they’d give up their spot in college for a poc. Basically the white person shutdown and had nothing to say because the group wouldn’t give up their College spots.

It’s an issue with a lot of these people, privileged white people and those from generational wealth and college education trying to hold back others and poorer white people with ideological differences. They don’t believe a thing they say, they just want to look good while keeping their positions of power.

It’s why they gaslight so hard because they’ll keep their wealth and jobs while ensuring only people they deem worthy can bask in their glory, as long as they toe the line. Think about how much control it gives them over their new employees.