Nice Interview

Hopefully one day you can get some help with your mental disfunction.

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Being forced to choose a MALE or FEMALE sex when creating a character for the past 17 years is heteronormative and non-inclusive.

Ion should do something about that in the next expansion.


Depends, if they can get someone like Candace Owens they can probably continue crappy white male talk. She lives for it.

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Typically rank ordering based on credentials, work experience, qualifications, etc, tends to produce this sort of thing. That’s why changes to how rank ordering applicants is achieved is always a point of contention, since some of those qualifications and statistics are actually… ya know… IMPORTANT… to doing your job effectively/correctly, whereas others are not.

Removing a priority on particular kinds of colleges for programs that really don’t differ from No-Name University to Berkley will likely see a rather significant demographic shift without really squandering or losing any stats you still want to screen. Better yet if your company actually takes time to keep track of how grading is done in various universities so that factors can be applied to the GPAs, as some schools are big into the “no fails, no C’s” mantra of uplifting students while others have no problem making getting an A super difficult.

The lazy effort most companies take when screening for increased “diversity” is to keep the exact same metrics they already use in hiring, and just scrolling down until they hit the first non-white applicant to make a call. If and only if no non-white applicants appear do they change the metrics, and then it is just one metric at a time until someone pops up. Or worse, they just ignore all the metrics and look for ANY applicant and see what “went wrong” and if that is a problem or not.

You can’t attract what isn’t there in the first place. No amount of catering to women is going to up the number of women in construction work by any sizable margin, anymore than catering to men is going to up the number of men in education work by the same. People have preferences.

The very real worry that always manifests when hiring committees aim for qualities in a new hire that have nothing to do with the job itself is that someone is being selected preferentially over a more qualified candidate on the basis of a statistic that will not be helpful to the work that company does.

Statistics don’t matter to the individual or the company. Silicon Valley could be well ahead of the bell curve on complaints and harassment issues and it wouldn’t mean anything about a particular company in the absence of stats on said particular company.

Combatting wholesale discriminatory practices with… wholesale assessments and prejudgment… NEAT!

Ah I see you’re a VerySerious™ person.


Explain how not discriminating against women and minorities is discriminating against white males.

Yes and I’m sure your outrage over how white males are being discriminated against is very serious. Especially given your history of decades speaking out against the discrimination and harassment of women and minorities.

It’s obvious how seriously you take being treated fairly.

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“I want to escape from the real life” but you literally want political things in Azeroth, blaming white males for all your real life drama.


If you select someone based on their race/gender over another person, that’s discrimination. In fact, that’s rather textbook discrimination.

Spare me the faux piety. It doesn’t take a lifetime of service to call a spade a spade.


And that’s exactly what this industry has been doing for YEARS. You are literally trying to claim that Blizzard is going to overlook qualified male applicants for lesser qualified women and minorities. Nowhere in anything they’ve said have they indicated this.

If they actively try to recruit women and minorities, or choose to hire a woman over an equally qualified male, I couldn’t care less.

Spare US your faux piety. You can hardly be taken seriously when you overlook discrimination for like, ever, and suddenly act concerned. Especially when the “new” discrimination against white males is all made up in your head. No one’s buying it.

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Blizzard really made some poor hiring decisions when they picked those two white males who had some weird obsession with Everquest instead of all those duck-faced MySpace thots who totally applied to be a WoW game designer.


Unless you’re going to cough up numbers on Blizzard doing something specific, rather than “the industry” writ large, you’re just blowing smoke.

I don’t think anyone was under any impression you weren’t a bigot.

I can’t wait to be called glue and find out you’re made of rubber…

“If you didn’t concern yourself with VaguePastSins™ then you’re not allowed to care about any wrongdoing ever again!!”

I love gaslighting! Adds a certain something to the mood…


ion is a dum dum :cow:

Okay obviously you’re not interested in discussing actual things. It’s easy to sniffle about how Blizzard is going to now discriminate against white males without saying HOW they will do this, all the while calling actual data “vaguepastsins.”

I have no interest in reading or responding to you anymore.

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I humbly accept your L.

No one is sniffling. I don’t get why goobers like yourself have to project emotions into everything. Just because you are emotionally invested doesn’t mean someone else coming to a different conclusion did so with their heart on their sleeve.

You didn’t post “actual data”, you posted polling statistics of “the industry” which says nothing of Blizzard specifically.

Don’t lie, you never did in the first place.


I thoroughly enjoyed that articulate thrashing on display, good sir!


Nobody proposed not hiring non-white males or women, also I find it interesting you leave out the fact Asian males make up a large demographic of the tech industry, we can even add in Indian males. It’s simply not just “white males taking up all the spots in tech”.

The Tech industry as a whole isn’t interested in fair hiring or practices, even the wonderous Google has issues. Both Apple/Google and other Tech companies have gone out of their way to exclude white and asian men from the hiring process. This is even more notorious in Colleges where lawsuits have been done against them for discrimination.

People are concerned because kneejerk reactions tend to create more issues. I am disappointed you use the “they took our jobs” meme and then gaslight people. I’m guessing you never seen that episode of Southpark.


Can you post some stats to back this claim up?

It’s completely anecdotal, but I have seen the exact opposite side of this claim happening on a regular basis. Women and minorities are regularly put on a fast track to management positions and promotions over more experienced whites males to improve diversity.

In my experience, qualified women applicants hardly ever apply to become game devs and when they do, companies are chomping at the bit to get them to help with their diversity metrics.


It’s like this in certain other fields like Fire Fighting, have friends who are Fire Fighters and have several female coworkers who cannot do the basics of the job, they pass the physical test by running a mile and bypassing the physical challenge aspect. The issue is that despite being underqualified the FD would lose money by not having them. So it’s a catch-22.


I wouldn’t call 14% a large demographic. But yes, point taken.

Yes I saw it.

In any case, the knee jerk reaction is the assumption that white males are now going to be discriminated against. Read some of the comments here.

That’s the kind of attitude that seems to pop up every time a company eludes to the idea that they need to change their hiring/promoting practices to include more women and minorities. Actively recruiting qualified female employees or choosing an equally qualified female over a male is not discrimination.

And yes, the meme “They took er jawbs!” is a completely appropriate response to that nonsense.


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i imagine this is a slippery slope of a forum topic. Im personally against diversity quotas because it eliminates qualified individuals from contention for positions simply because of the color of their skin.