Nice Interview

Waste management is doing a lot of recruiting at universities, are they?

I’d be the last person to stand in the way of a woman and her dream to collect garbage. Hopefully she’d be allowed to do that without getting paid less, harassed, or being subjected to a little dumpster crawling.

Oh I forgot we have to only consider the -isms and -phobias associated with university directed jobs…


It’s very straight forward, I just don’t want people to be discriminated against based on what’s between their legs or their ethnic background.
My comment about waste management and teachers was to highlight the different career choices of the genders.


Yes careers based on social tradition and stereotypes. More men are becoming nurses and teachers, which is good to see. More women are choosing careers in STEM, which is also good to see. Couldn’t tell you about waste management.

You really think the only reason women don’t go into waste management and construction is because of social conditioning?

:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

They really aren’t. Men are actively discriminated against to a degree far greater than the reverse for gender, or even for perceived race studies. And this is despite the fact that job markets are forcing men into secondary or tertiary career choices that aren’t typically male dominated… there is still discrimination.

Men aren’t being pressed and courted to join female dominated fields in any way remotely resembling the opposite in favor of women. Women can get an abundance of scholarship opportunities simply by applying as women in select fields. Male only scholarships are actually not just male only, but part of a pairing where a set of male students and an equal set of female students are selected. There are no “Men in Education” scholarship drives, no “Men in Caregiving” awareness campaigns, etc.


Some waste managers have a bachelor’s degree in engineering or a closely related field, while others gain specialized expertise by pursuing an advanced degree in environmental science or a Master of Public Administration (MPA). Science education enables waste management officials to better understand how chemicals break down elements and which chemicals have the potential to threaten human health through the soil or water supply system. However, an understanding of the public sector, as well as how to navigate state and federal laws and regulations, is best obtained by earning an MPA. It is an advanced degree that is also a distinguishing quality for those seeking to work in waste management for larger municipalities.


Most of the folks posting here are probably from the US, not Sweden. Western European countries are outperforming the US by a lot. The Global Gender Gap report for 2021 predicts that Western European countries will close the gap 15-20 years ahead of the US.

Isn’t this a “whataboutism?”

Cauchy probably thinks he’s clever since two people from the same guild are posting, it must mean they’re the same person!

Huh. Seems like more women ARE breaking into waste management and liking it. Apparently women are treated much better at these waste management companies than they are in tech.

That’s a single company getting an award you pay for… the name of the company is literally “Waste Management”


Looks like someone took grave offense to all of our back-and-forth and nuked half the recent replies…

Some genuinely soft people around here (not you of course).

And here you are again, heavily embedded in another off-topic political debate. It all makes sense now. The way you try to distill everything into an ideological argument. A provocateur, interjecting in every thread looking for a fight. Your the forum version of a Milo Yiannopoulos or a Gavin MccInnes. I played right into your overly sophisticated trolling repertoire. I’m glad it has become so apparent in my relatively short time here. Can’t imagine the level of frustration you’ve caused for other forum members with your thousands of posts.

Oh look, my stalker.

Look who’s talking, right wing forum Vaush, I hope your incessant search for your forum Destiny ends soon so you’ll finally have someone to tolerate your compulsive political preening.

…you do realize the forum itself updates me directly when you lurk around and respond to all my posts, right?


I know. I learned that from getting the notification when you responded to every single one of my posts in conversations with other forum users across multiple threads even after I tried ignoring you until you went away. Talk about projection. Or just a convoluted way of saying you’re rubber and I’m glue. :rofl:

Awareness is neat.

My profile isn’t hidden, you can just click on it and and forever mute me. It isn’t hard. You don’t have to “try”, you can just do it. I won’t be offended.

Why would I mute you? Then I won’t be able to see when your search for the ideological Batman to your Joker ends. Having you tag along into every thread I post in is a small price to pay to witness you achieve peak psuedo-intellectualism. Carry on.

Lying is a sin.

Using a forum tool to completely eliminate my ability to see your posts (muting) and choosing not to respond to you constantly interjecting in my conversations with other posters (ignoring) isn’t the same thing.

Not a cult member so this doesn’t apply.

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