Nice Interview

More obfuscation.

If you’re going to say “religious folks” you should at least back it up with some understanding of what you mean. Otherwise seems to me you’re just speaking in ignorance.

Religious folks are religious. Not religious folks aren’t.

You’re obfuscating yourself if you want it to be anything else.

You don’t have any clue what “religion” is or isn’t.

That’s reductive, and false.

You can’t prove me wrong.

You can’t prove me wrong.

Don’t need to when you haven’t even proved yourself right.

…you know that religions vary wildly, right?

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I’d bet Cauchy doesn’t have a spiritual bone in his body.

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That’s hot.

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You said bone.


I gave up Catholicism for Lent.

Listen here Martin…

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Hey, where I live, the Catholic/Lutheran cold war still exists.

Cold war? That just sounds like sour grapes Lutherans to me…

I have no idea about sour grapes. I’m not Lutheran.

You don’t need to be Lutheran to enjoy wine silly!

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Hell, you don’t even need to be religious!

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Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Ph’nglui mglw’nfah Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!

Totally agree we should start discriminating against everyone!
We have to many women in education, let’s force them into male dominant job like waste management.

See how ridiculous you are, people should follow their passions.