Nice Interview

Didn’t say they were.


According to you, lying is a sin. You need a first stone to cast?

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I haven’t told a lie yet.

Cauchy said you were a lawyer. Can you please find someone else to rehearse your lines with? I have no interest in helping you improve your court room acumen.

You can stop anytime :smiley:

Way to embrace the stereotype. :roll_eyes:

I sure do love cheese!

(I don’t know what stereotype you’re talking about)

See, now you’re persistence is becoming endearing. I think you’re starting grow on me, coincidentally just like a mold.

“cult” is the root from which the words “culture” and “agriculture” are derived.

Just a fun fact for anyone who thinks “cult” has inherent negative connotations. :grin:

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That still doesn’t’ change the meaning.

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Not sure what relevance that has to anything.

You said it.

Said what?

Hey goblin, people are figuring u out.

keep makin that 5 cents a post tho…

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Incredible well-thought out post. Your contributions are immeasurable…

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