Nice Interview

Okay /10char

What a weird post though right lol. Like he thinks he’s doxxing me or something rofl. And he’s such a coward he created a brand new character to do it from because… I have no idea really. Just more randomly strange behaviour from conservatives in this thread just completely losing their minds,

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Hiring based on race and gender is discrimination.
Giving better opportunities to people based on their race and gender is discrimination.
Assuming that a minority or a gender is not as valuable as another and that they can’t suceed without your help is DISCRIMINATION.


Bearhands is not upset, guys. He’s not!


You ok bro?

y u mad, bro?

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Oh cool. We’ve moved to the “I’ve run out of arguments so I’m gonna pretend to be a poor conservative victim” portion of the thread. This part is always my favorite.

"lIbRaLs aRe SnOwFlaKeS… oh and it really hurt my feelings when you liked the post of that other guy who made me feel stupid so like I’m not talking to any of you anymore. :crying_cat_face: :cry: :sob:

My favorite part is when Donkey says the thing about cakes.


Bearhands is a known troll.


Kind of irrelevant to the fact that he’s offering substantive arguments in this case.

Not much of the same can be said for his opposition.

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Those who only see the world in shades of red vs blue.


And if your work on gameplay suffers because your lack of diversity causes your company to suck… what then? While YOU may not appreciate their efforts to be more inclusive I’m sure many of their current and future employees will, which ultimately leads to a higher quality of work and… a better game.

30 years of ongoing success, but now our lack of diversity is causing us to suffer…



According to your personal belief and opinion.
Name me one company that has seen success from obliging to your political agenda by discriminating on the basis of race and gender for the sake of diversity.

The phrase “Go woke, go broke.” came to existence for a reason.


Phrase is wishful thinking.

These people are operating a moral vision. Even if they did “go broke” they’d see it all as worth it. Virtually no individual suffers any kind of consequence, especially financial, for participating in woke ideology. In fact, they receive benefits from it, usually financial, even when their ideological products cost the companies that they work for millions.

Think of Marvel Comics. Nowadays, they’ll launch titles that fail to sell 5 thousand copies, when in the 1980s they sold 100,000 copies per title per month. Because they are an appendage of Disney, they can be floated.

If Activision Blizzard truly did experience any operating cost for WoW or any other game, they have vast physical and intellectual assets to support them in the long run. They can leverage debt on any of their assets.

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Yea… Thats kind of how breeding in weakness works. I suppose we’ll add evolution that to the LOOOONG list of phenoma you dont even remotely understand.

Yeah, like breeding horses! Just gotta hire horse-breeders to make Blizzard games! Of course!


Dude literally gave you an exhaustive list of a study that showed companies with a higher level of diversity were more successful across a whole spectrum of metrics. I know it had big words and probably even some gasp NUMBERS in it so you probably found it kind of scary… but give it a look.

Yea… Conservatives were upset/triggered and expressed it the only way they can. Short catchphrases with tiny words. Oh and it helps if it rhymes so yall can remember it.

tHis GuY leVEleD to 29 JuSt to DoX mE gUyS hE mUsT bE a RePuBlicAN

If enough people point out that you’re cowering on your alt, you eventually get very defensive and start posting on Lukasa. Happened enough times in previous threads that it can happen in this one.


What in the holy F are you talking about? Holy Spaghetti Monster you have just absolutely no idea how the world works. You understand that Marvels assets amount to a tiny bit more than the paper comics right? Riiiiiight? I heard they had a movie or two come out lately that might have made a few bucks. I could be wrong though!

What a weird little dude you are. Also there is no dwarf priest named Lukasa. Try again.