Nice Interview

Never said that. Also, I’ve addressed your questions, not ignored them. You don’t have to like my answers.

I just asked whether or not to you the priority is the social issue or the product. It’s not even implying one comes at the cost of the other which you’ve assumed for whatever reason.

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No, but you submitted a :blue_heart: to someone who did.

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I want the best product possible, like any other consumer.

Doesn’t mean I’m willing to allow sexism, racism, or whatever other -ism to occur for the sake of that desire, because personally, I believe you can have both (a good product made without any of that occurring).

Careful there. Zipzo doesn’t like it when you ask relevant questions. He’d much prefer you just accept and submit to what he says.


I have yet to see you answer a simple question.

You’re confused.

I don’t like useless, rhetorical questions.

You don’t ask questions to clarify, you ask them to try and provoke a “food for thought” moment, but you don’t realize how low of a level you’re coming in at.

Clarifying questions are fine.

You also never answer any questions, so it makes one even less inclined to answer yours.

Well I certainly hope that they consider the product to be a priority and ideally without any isms. I’m concerned that this is a distraction from the state of the games development than a remedy to actually improving the company.

Either way we are playing TBC classic which likely only has 2 people working on it.

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Seems we’re going in circles now. Normally I would answer simple questions but as of recently I had an interaction where when I asked someone else a simple question they refused to answer and even criticized me for having asked.

And you recently submitted a :blue_heart: to this person for bringing it up.

So, please explain why you are allowed to aske me questions, but when I do it I gotta shut up.

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Honestly, I’m considering that it’s not anymore? After all, we know the parent company they are under, and we know WoW is not the chief money-maker. Wouldn’t be surprised to see some internal structure documents show that WoW is getting the skeleton crew.

Having a diverse work force and having a good product isn’t an either/or thing. Blizzard is perfectly capable of doing both at the same time.

Given their history, I don’t think they’re going to do either of those things. At this point their company is floundering in pretty much every aspect.

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No, you wouldn’t. I asked you that question way back when and you refused to answer.

No one cares if you ask questions. When I asked why you thought the scientific method was flawed, you asked who came up with it. When I answered you asked if those people were flawless.

So no, you don’t answer questions. You don’t explain yourself or why you think the way you do. As I said earlier, you just flit from one weird thing to the next.

I’ll ask another question, why are you throwing a tantrum over a liked post?

You made this statement.

I asked this question. You never answered it.

This is all you do. You make unsubstantiated statements, assertions, opinions, and then get upset whenever anyone questions you about it.

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Whether or not anyone cares doesn’t matter.

Which was followed by another question within that particular context that you ignored.

No, I asked that a second time because it was part of the original context that you ignored.

“How am I to get in?”

Are you to get in at all? That’s the first question, you know.”

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I didn’t ignore anything. You ignored my initial question. You asked another question, and then another and then another. You STILL haven’t answered, nor do I expect you to, mainly because you can’t.

Uh… what?

Yes you did.

No, asked the same question a second time.

First time:

Second time:

I can repeat myself again, if you’d like:

Of course I answered it.

You’re implying that the mention of diversity here is an affront to white people.

You didn’t.

Okay, just because you’re having issues following the conversation, doesn’t mean people aren’t explaining things to you.

I recommend improving your literacy before engaging in discussions like these…

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The only conversation you have is with whatever strawmen you conjure.