Nice Interview

aLL my CriTicS aRe sTUpiD rEpuBliCan loSeRS

t. Lukasa/Bearhands


You seem triggered. Can I find you a safe space?

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Speaking of being triggered, Bearhands/Lukasa is now the fourth-most active poster in <2 hours. Will be most-active poster by the time Blizzard nukes this thread.

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No one gave me any list of anything and I’m not going to read over 200 messages in this thread not addressed to me.

Ah yes, conservatives. The evil conservatives, your mortal enemies, that which you call anyone who disagrees with you.


Lol, this is an odd argument.

So why, then, did it come in to existence? Is it relevant, the bias of those who helped it to manifest?

There is a very long list of things that “came in to existence” that don’t deserve to exist.

You’re still confused. I haven’t read comics in 3 decades but I understand how the real world works so let me explain it to you as simply as I can.

Disney acquired Marvel Entertainment. Marvel Entertainment includes Marvel Studios and Marvel comics, so it was a package deal. Sure they could probably shutter the comics division now, but even if it was a loss leader (and its not, they generated almost half a billion in comic book revenue alone last year) it would still be the arm that creates the IP for the enormously profitable Marvel movies, not to mention functioning as a marketing arm for them as well.

Here. So now you can’t pretend you’re ignorant just because words are scary. I did all the “hard” work for you. Now I guess all thats left is for you to admit you’re just being willfully ignorant because the facts don’t line up the way you want them to.

Which I didn’t mention.

Which I did.

One makes movies. One makes comics.

This is what you said:

In reference to this:

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Based on this study, every company should hire at least one woman.


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I don’t think your average conservative is evil. They’re just really really really stupid.
I’ve always tried to give people the relative benefit of Hanlan’s Razor

Quick update:

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You were trying to make some silly point that Marvel Comics would be broke if they werent attached to Disney because you’re upset about the “woke comics” Tucker Carlson has been crying about. The reality is that comics in general seem to have actually fared fairly well vs other paper mediums in the last couple decades and Marvel comics own around 50% of the market (vs around 25 for their next closest competitor) Plus they still produce IP/marketing for the movies that bring in literally billions in profits.

So any point you’re trying to make about them failing because they’re a “woke” or diverse company is specious, as well as just plain incorrect

It’s funny how easy it is to just push a narrative with “studies”, you can find “studies” that backs up anything on the internet, even the flat earth theory.
Here’s the counter paper to that very study this blog post is praising so much:

and that’s supposed to be better how?
You just call anyone who disagree with you a conservative and classify all conservatives as stupid.
Maybe you should look in a mirror.
For someone who wants diversity, you sure like to classify everyone into one group.


Did I do this before or after I flew to Mars?

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He also replied to himself in this thread.


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Its not even really a counter paper. It just suggests that while the study was done by, in their words, “arguably the most prestigious consulting firm in the world,” the correlation may not work the way people assume and the results might not be as statistifcally significant. So for one, they dont get anywhere CLOSE to what you’re suggesting, that hiring for diversity has a NEGATIVE effect. They’re just suggesting the recorded positive effect MAY not be as statistically significant. And they also suggest that it may be that companies are able to become more diverse as they become wealthier rather than it being diversity that made them wealthy. Which could be true… but either way if you’re trying to emulate the practices of wealthy companies… diversity seems to be a factor. And finally, the Kenan Institutes own website talks about the STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE of having people from a variety of backgrounds. So even this one, very recent, paper aside… People aren’t even arguing whether hiring for diversity is a positive or a negative. The only argument is HOW MUCH of a positive it actually is.

TLDR: Thanks for furthering my argument.

Honestly, I started to respond to this then decided it’s just too stupid to warrant it so Imma save myself the headache.

Creepiness of this aside… I honestly couldn’t tell you why I started a thread a year and a half ago quoting random rap lyrics. However that was right around the time I’d just laid off dozens of people before the country/world went on lockdown… so its quite possible I was just trying to lighten the mood. :man_shrugging:t4:Either way… I don’t think you’ve uncovered quite the conspiracy you think you have.

8/10 stalking though. Thanks for the free rent.

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I don’t make a secret of what I throw in the trash either. But if you took the time to find something I threw away a year and a half ago I’m probably making extra sure the blinds are closed that night…

It just seems a little less than stable