NEXT ZONE: Undermine

It’s best he leaves the internet and rethink his life after his latest blowouts of the news for patch 11.1.

He probably lost it at this point.

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He’s going to have a meltdown over Gallywix getting offed in the Undermine raid, and yes, I do believe 100% that we will in fact actually kill Gallywix in the raid.

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I not much for goblins but I am so excited Blizzard is building up races this way! I so going to dig in into their culture and way of thinking just like I did with the earthen and Arathi in Hollowfall. Love when game start to expand their world building this way!

I think it will enrich the story more and be more impactful when we have faction conflict moments. I was pleasantly surprise how Maraan pointed out the cost of the battles of fighting the greater evils… and almost pointed at the fact that its leaders play heroes to it. (Or at least I understood it that way… I need to hear it again)

This world building if added to the game would feel so immersive! Also I so happy players, races and their class choices are being recognize in the game too from what I read and seen.


They’re updating the hogoblin model, you can see it here:

I think this might use the Kul Tiran rig? The original one used the ogre rig.


In the video Ion specifically mentions Renzik the Shiv, the SI:7 goblin, as one of the main characters of the campaign. My guess is he’ll be the Alliance’s equivalent to Gazlowe in the questline.


I’m most curious about this car mount mechanic. Ever since I saw the Shimmering Flats in Vanilla 1K Needles I’ve wanted them to introduce a racing mechanic and while they did do that with DF a more traditional, terrestrial version would be pretty cool.

WoW already has a Pokémon knock off stapled to it why not add on Mario Kart too?


Lol that be fun… and also would actually be nice if all Terrestrial mont got that functionality since they can’t fly.

Where there is a Goblin Cartel, there are Ogres!

Time for Ogre allied race.


Oh it is definitely going to be the groundwork for a massive land vehicle overhaul.
Someone in Blizzard saw the World of Racetrack video and went ‘Yea, we can do that.’

Edit: Also those Hobgoblin models look sick. I’d kill for them to be playable. One microstep closer to playable ogres.

I hope the car’s customization options go to other ground mounts and can be used anywehere. Love me some roller beetle drifting over in GW2.


Kodo Drifting.

Long overdue for a update but happy the Hobgoblins got a update at last.

I didn’t authorize you to read my mind… :smiley:


He literally threatened suicide over it in the Story Forum lounge. Thankfully, I’m told he’s okay though.

I would make a comment about “twice burned” but it is has been so many times not. Its hard to have any hope that things willl change.


I don’t know about that. If we go by precedent, there’s a 50/50 chance that defeating Gallywix again will just result in Thrall unilaterally putting him in charge of something.


That’s old Thrall.

New Thrall just mopes a lot and highlights how much cooler and stronger a shaman Aggra is.


Since Renzik “The Shiv” is going to apart of the story of Undermined. I can’t help but wonder if he’ll serve as an Ambassador that gets the goblins to allow/work with Alliance champions or end up taking over one the goblin cartels, (not a major one, but one the minor ones about the place).

Wait, will my Druids now be siding with the freaking Venture Company?

I don’t know…

We are suppose to learn more in the weeks ahead, perhaps they will clarify that.