Next xpac hype?

I won’t be hype unless they announce Alliance-aligned High Elves being playable.

still a year to go…lol.

World of Warcraft- the Emerald grind

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Won’t be hyped until they go back to some of the old system ways like PvP Vendors and no more gear that needs to be grinded, honestly if they released a whole new expansion that had exact same mechanics as Legion and BfA I would not buy it

Who cares about next WoW expac? Classic will be dead and sub numbers will be down even further by then. Besides, Shadowbringers just came out and it’s better than any WoW expac has been in years.

After this dumpster fire whats to get hyped about again?..the story has gotten to the point of mindless text as you turn in quests and has zero meaning to my wow experience. The next Xpac better have fixed professions to mean something and make the whole experience more fun and less saving of turtles etc etc


Not particularly, quit right before Legion dropped just came back 2nd season BFA and not impressed with latest patch. So, having to level up more toons next expac and do unending grinding does not seem appealing. Prob won’t make it to the expac tbh. Shame, really loved this game at one point :woman_shrugging:t6: oh well, that’s life!! Gl in all your future endeavors! :kissing_heart:

As long as they get rid of the stupid faction war or at least put it on the far, far back-burner I’ll be hyped.

Almost everything, the allied races are the only thing I like in this expansion. I despise the faction war and basing an expansion around it is an immediate turn off. Rather than do something interesting with Sylvanas they took her the cliche route and ruined what was once one of my favorite characters. They took a giant wet, sloppy dump all over the Horde and proved that the Alliance should just wipe out the Horde since all it takes is a few pretty words to turn them into willing genocidal maniacs. I could go on and on and on about what is wrong with it.

Considering I’m actually bored enough atm to be on the forums… the next chapter needs to be a bombshell from start to finish or I dunno if I’ll even buy the basic. Don’t get me wrong BfA has some nice things about it (story is nice… mostly) but yeah. 9.0 needs to either not have restricted flying or a pathfinder that’s avail from day one. I just did my last non emissary daily for mecha (revered) but I’m still 1.1k behind on naz due to not enough to do. Maybe I could of been done by now if I used Warmode but considering how much I detest PvP I’ma put that down as quite unlikely. :stuck_out_tongue: