Not really.
The story’s going in a horrible direction. I’m definitely not excited for Anduin and Baine fighting tentacles in space.
They’ve said promising things about class design. But that’s the thing, they’ve only said those things. And they’ve managed to say promising things on class design for a while now, meanwhile class design gets worse every expansion.
On the off chance they don’t make things even worse, we’re still likely stuck with our redesigned specs. Maybe a different iteration of them, but I have no hopes that, say, Fury Warriors will get the Old Enrage mechanic back, or SV hunters will become SV hunters again.
Beyond that, remember that time last expansion when they said Legion Pathfinder took too long to come out? They made it even longer this time. They’re unlikely to do what they should, make flying available before max level like WotLK, so we’re stuck with pathfinder, or some tedious alteration of it.
I don’t see how anyone could be excited about the next expansion, honestly. They’ve proven themselves, on decision after decision, to be fundamentally disconnected from their community (Titanforging, Pruning, Expansion-specific auxiliary progression systems, Removal of ML, Pathfinder), why should we expect that to change at all?
I get that people think BfA is bad. It is. Legion was bad too, and so was WoD. Should we really trust that the next expansion is not only going to deviate from these fundamentally noxious trends, but do so to a degree that will right the wrongs accumulated over years?
I don’t. I’m not even an ardent Classic purist, but at this point, it’s all I’m waiting for. Retail can die in a fire.