Next xpac hype?

Not really.

The story’s going in a horrible direction. I’m definitely not excited for Anduin and Baine fighting tentacles in space.

They’ve said promising things about class design. But that’s the thing, they’ve only said those things. And they’ve managed to say promising things on class design for a while now, meanwhile class design gets worse every expansion.

On the off chance they don’t make things even worse, we’re still likely stuck with our redesigned specs. Maybe a different iteration of them, but I have no hopes that, say, Fury Warriors will get the Old Enrage mechanic back, or SV hunters will become SV hunters again.

Beyond that, remember that time last expansion when they said Legion Pathfinder took too long to come out? They made it even longer this time. They’re unlikely to do what they should, make flying available before max level like WotLK, so we’re stuck with pathfinder, or some tedious alteration of it.

I don’t see how anyone could be excited about the next expansion, honestly. They’ve proven themselves, on decision after decision, to be fundamentally disconnected from their community (Titanforging, Pruning, Expansion-specific auxiliary progression systems, Removal of ML, Pathfinder), why should we expect that to change at all?

I get that people think BfA is bad. It is. Legion was bad too, and so was WoD. Should we really trust that the next expansion is not only going to deviate from these fundamentally noxious trends, but do so to a degree that will right the wrongs accumulated over years?

I don’t. I’m not even an ardent Classic purist, but at this point, it’s all I’m waiting for. Retail can die in a fire.


WoW came back from the disastrous WoD; it could come back from BfA as well. Especially since WoD was worse than BfA.

Blizzard will take that as a challenge. We said We’d couldn’t be worse, and we get BFA

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The problem is that Legion wasn’t good, and a lot of the underlying philosophies that made the actual content of WoD so bad only continued in Legion. BfA follows a similar trend.

WoW never really came back from WoD, we’re still at that level of quality. Having more content is completely meaningless when the underlying mechanics are consistently garbage.


If you belive the good xpac, bad xpac, good xpac cycle it should be pretty decent.

You speak for yourself there. I thought Legion was hands down the best WoW expansion since Wrath. Sure it had a few issues (legendaries being random drops was a big one for me) but I had a much more positive opinion of WoW after Legion than before.


So I take it that none of the classes you played were redesigned around WoD-era philosophies then?


It actually should be good since the A team is on it. This B team expansion will only serve to make it look even better, because when it’s lined up against BfA it could be extremely average and it will look like the second coming of Wrath in comparison

Have you played WoD? Class design was generally good in WoD…

And in Legion the only class redesign I didn’t like was prot warrior. (All that talk about class fantasy and they gave them Ignore Pain, as if warriors are supposed to be some kind of martyrs.)

The class design issues happened in BfA for the most part, with everything being put on the GCD, the removal of artifact weapons and the skills they came with, and the continued class pruning.

Ehhhhh, depends on what it is etc.

I’m also going to be wary before seeing if they actually fix some of the deeply seeded issues that they’ve been covered with bandaids.

Hilarious. Absolutely comical.

Warriors losing Heroic Strike doesn’t qualify as “generally good.” Nor does pretty much all niche utility being scrapped in favor of dumbing down classes.

Did you just not play fury or something? Either way, terrible opinion.

Imagine actually drawing the line in the sand at BfA. What, fundamentally, changed on classes like Warrior, or DK, aside from certain artifact abilities being scrapped and the GCD change?

you reap what you sow. blizzard leadership have earned those comments on this X-pac.


Given the amount of actual information available about the next expansion, I am not even thinking about it. Let alone hyped. Currently there is absolutely zero information outside of rumor and speculation. None of it in Blue Text.

Maybe we’ll know more in November.

LOL he points at Heroic Strike being a big loss for Warriors…

And yes, yes, Gladiator Stance was a complete dumb down of protection warriors. Every other tanks could be a DPS main in a tank spec, right? Right!

Oh wait no, it was just the most interesting and unique perk prot warriors have had in the last 10 years, and it’s a real shame it was removed.

I enjoyed the Legion fury warrior. It was more fun than arms and prot. I’m sorry for having the wrong opinion though. :man_shrugging:

Yes I’m actually drawing the lines at BfA. That’s when they went too far. That’s where I stopped having fun with most classes.

This forum, General Discussion…

Honestly, I’m excited.
Blizzard has a pretty good record of bad, good, bad, good, as far as the expansion cycles go.
But they better broaden classes back out to pre-MoP levels, otherwise I’m not gonna be buying this one for the first time in about ten years.

Class design, for starters. I have one of every class. I can only stomach to play two of them. The rest bore me to tears.

No more class sets. No pvp vendors with class sets. GCD. Azerite grind. Relying too much on reps to gate us. Gear roulette. Pathfinder.

Those are a few things I don’t enjoy about BFA.

Hype for what? Nothings been even hinted at.

World of Warcraft and the Boat That Can’t Float

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World of Warcraft: Timewalking to Classic

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Yep. I use to have a screen shot of the forums from back in Wrath right after
3.2 launched. Should see all the complaint threads on the first page of
GD back then.

As for being hyped. No, not yet. Im looking forward to seeing what
its going to be. But not hyped.

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