Next Week - Horrific Vision Rewards Always Corrupted

Have you also heard from players that Horrific Visions suck?

Thanks for nothing. Instead of bribing us to get the participation metrics on your bad content up to some level your management will accept, try not screwing up the design in the first place.


That’s great, now can we get more skips on the cloak/8.3 questing? It’d be less problematic if a majority of it wasn’t traveling to locations in which there are no longer portals to and 5/6 unskippable scenarios in which you cannot mount or fly.


So if you are a PVP player you are going to live in horrific visions the next 6 months?



Now make all raid gear corrupt.


Oh wow that’s huge!
Honestly, pretty smart too!
I was thinking to do this for the raid, but frankly this is even better.
Gonna be really nice for alts!


If you don’t include the 2hrs of running around the planet and drudging through the 5/6 unskippable scenarios to get the cloak required for one to actually DO visions, that is…


Can we include a loot table that includes items other than wrists?


I think they do this to boost cloak participation metric, remember after 2 weeks ago they posted a poll and ask about people’s cloak? and the surprising amount of player getting mind controlled in LFR?

So its safe to say all raid gear wont get corrupted.

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Correct, that was done weeks ago.

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AMAZING change! I just wish this was in from day 1!!!

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Yes but it would address:

correct, not trying

I find the vision gameplay a combination of boring and frustrating and I feel like they are just trying to force enough people to do it so they can use the metrics to justify doing the same thing in SL

this whole cloak business is garbage, its adding in more work and more RNG to replace titan forging which was not broken.


Its probably not Blizzard’s real issue.

I mean im still not getting my cloak or doing visions on alts.

im also fairly certain they anticipated the Hurricane LFR N’Zoth coming, which is why they made the post about cloaks. And instead of fix it from the start they hoped for the best?



Not doing the cloak grind. If they hope it boosts participation they are sorely mistaken.


That is absolutely what they are doing. By enticing people to run more visions, people will need to start doing more dailies to get more vessels.

It’s all about metrics baby.

if they actually cared about people not being able to acquire the gear they’d make every piece of loot drop and free to wash a piece of gear.


The loud players maybe. I love visions


Are you adding weapons and rings to the HV loot pool? Because unless I’m extremely unlucky I’ve never seen any of those drop. Or are those still “pray to RNG gods” ?


Tbh aside from the assaults its like 20 min total.

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Once on my main was enough. I’ll probably do the cloak quest-lines on a couple alts, but not visions. 3 runs this week to complete the cloak upgrade quest alone is overkill. I’d rather they turn up the difficultly than redundancy. I know, I know, they already made some changes.

My alts are burying their 10 ft poles.

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