Next wave of Beta invites

Is there any time frame on the next wave of Classic Beta invites. My wifes going out of town in a few days and I was hoping to get in on the first wave but no such luck. Felt like I had okay odds vanilla player, currently subed, etc.

Thanks in advance if I get a response. :smiley:
That is the current available information about the Beta.


Yeah I have seen that I was just hoping for a little more info on any plans for more beta invites. I will definitely be playing during the stress test. Thanks though :slight_smile:

Historically speaking, they don’t tend to release much if any information on this type of thing–however invitations tend to be somewhat regular in pace.

There’s a need for constant replenishment to keep new people flowing through starting content, people get bored quickly and stop logging in (beta isn’t a free preview–there’s usually some serious bugs that people don’t like dealing with and content is rarely feature complete), and it maintains a certain interest level in what is not only a bug search, but also a marketing tool.



I should also emphasis that Customer Support will not have any information about beta invites, or have the ability to invite people.


Okay. Ill hold out hope. Im really hopeful to be able to play in the beta.

I understand that, I’d still gladly get an inv, I’ve been subbed since 2004 vanill and still didn’t get an invite. Feels bad </3