“These are Allied Races, these aren’t Sub-Races. There’s no direct associated Race or “Parent Race” or anything like that”
Blizzard has and can make stuff up at Blizzcon. Plus sometimes not everyone at their department necessarily shares the same view or they change their mind or it is being frame out of context. The reality vs what he said is very different. All allied races so far have been the same racial type. And at this point I think it would be very rotten of them to suddenly make an exception with niche races. Bottom line. Don’t treat things said at blizzcon as necessarily 100% fact or set in stone.
Mhm. I pointed this out a long while back that they basically subraces
But, i find it interesting how far developed the vulpera are and utilize the goblin model. And that simply is because: Blizzard can claim that the AR system isnt just sunraces through their addition and they dosnt lie at Blizzcon.
Its straight speculation, but it would fit in lime with Blizzard’s behavior and tactics of recent.
You straight cannot discount how far developed the vulpera are. I get your argument with vrykul, but the facts of them being able to be modeled with player armor and have already been soon in a Horde role…should raise some awareness.
I also agree with this. I like the gilbins…i just dont think they are going to be an allied race.
Please also dont ignore when things are clearly developed and there is datamined evidence of them being an AR (dependent upon that string of Brewfest AR icons)
Fair enough. In truth, you are right that the work done on Vulpera is curious. Who knows what lies ahead.
Please also dont ignore when things are clearly developed and there is datamined evidence of them being an AR (dependent upon that string of Brewfest AR icons)
Except this however. This actually has to be some of the worst evidence I’ve seen presented for them potentially becoming an AR before. There has been mug icons seen for ogres and some other non playable races in brewfest. I’d chalk it up to simply a holiday event that happens in Vulpera hideaway. Notice the ogre mug icons here.
Another thing also is that there has been so datamined Gilgoblin racial icons, but I haven’t been peddling these as evidence of them becoming an AR. I know they are probably for the bodyguard system. Mechagnomes also have a mug icon btw. This is one situation in which I really think Vulpera supporters jumped to conclusions.
Oh i agree on that. But i know a number of vulpera fanatics who hold this as holy grail evidence…which is why i used the word “dependent”.
To me, the model is still the biggest reason.
As a lot of people here know I am pretty crazy about these becoming an AR, but I am still smart enough to not jump to conclusions about a few icons. Even the Gilgoblin female models, I don’t take as irrefutable proof that they will happen, but that are much more likely. A few months ago it was pretty much an uphill battle trying to add support for this which was plagued with uncertainty. Still is, but much smoother cause of all the stuff that has come out.
Havent seen actually, got a link? Thats actually interesting.
Yeah, this negativity won’t get us anywhere. If there’s something people like and want, it’s a good idea to make it known and make some noise about it. All this sitting around crying won’t change anything, and doesn’t help anyone.