Next set of ARs speculation

So far, the only allied races we’ve gotten have been completely based off other races:

Night Elf - Nightborne
Draenei - Lightforged Draenei
Dwarves - Dark Iron Dwarves
Human - Fat Human

Tauren - Highmountain Tauren
Blood Elf - Void Elf
Troll - Zandalari Troll
Orc - Mag’har Orc

Races like Vulpera or Sethrak don’t have a direct counterpart, even if they share a skeleton animation wise. The only races that don’t have an allied race counterpart so far are gnomes, worgen, goblin, undead, and pandas. With the content 8.2 is going to bring, junk gnomes and giblins are the most logical next step.

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Both of these AR’s I want. I would play them both.

I won’t be playing anything shorter than a dwarf for the fear of being stepped on, but robo-gnomes and fish-goblins do seem the most likely.

One more thing I forgot about the gilbin argument:

It makes no sense in 8.2 why there hasnt been any datamined string for the “gilbin” racial tag to appear, if Blizzard intended them to be playable. Especially when…mechagnomes got added as a character race tag right at the beginning of the 8.2 PTR.

And vulpera have been there since beta.

Got added the same day as Dark irons, I believe.

Goblins - Gilgoblins
Gnomes - Junker Gnomes (More accurate name than Mechagnomes given those are gnomes pre curse of flesh.)
Worgen: Night Elf Worgen
Forsaken: Lightforged Undead
Tishui: Ankoan or Jinyu, probably both together somehow or something.
Huojin: Vulpera or Mogu

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Really doubt anything for Pandarens in terms of ARs, especially when we are going into 8.2 with no news of allied races for the remainder four main races left.

It could happen, but I doubt it.

I could see pandaren bringing in tortollan
they are a somewhat neutral race
they live for adventure
they have their turtle loa
and the wandering isle is a giant turtle

Ji and Aysa are both in the Embassy, there’s not reason to assume they won’t.

I mean…what else are they doing this expansion anyways?

But to be honest, I doubt there would be a 8.4…so they would rush four allied races between 8.3 and 8.3.5? I really doubt it.

Tyrande and Velen are also in the alliance embassy, and they haven’t started any recruitment questline. I think it’s just meant to be a gathering of leaders, not a promise of what’s to come.

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One more thing I forgot about the gilbin argument:

It makes no sense in 8.2 why there hasnt been any datamined string for the “gilbin” racial tag to appear, if Blizzard intended them to be playable. Especially when…mechagnomes got added as a character race tag right at the beginning of the 8.2 PTR.

Blizzard has said in the past that not all races in the racial tab are guaranteed to become ARs. One thing you have to remember is that the author of wowmodelviewer is the one who determines what ends up being put there and how it is organized in the files. Likewise, there have been races in the past that ended up being playable that weren’t listed under the race section. I wouldn’t consider its placement in wowmodelviewer irrelevant.

This is true, but there has never been a playable race that wasn’t added to that database. Which is why the lack of inclusion of gilgoblin is suspicious.

I think it will be Gilgoblins (Goblins), Mechagnomes (Gnomes), Ankoans (Worgen), and Blightcaller Forsaken (Forsaken). This will be an end of expansion 4 pack, probably tied to preordering the next expansion.

I think they might have to do with the Goblin model update that’s coming, said update is almost certain to benefit the Gilgoblins somewhat.


Fair enough. You do make a good point there. If blizzard does intend them to be an allied race at some point, maybe they will eventually get the geosets and join the racial tab. Just not right away.

Another thing to point out. There is some races listed in the racial tab with no geosets, very old models and limited animations.

I also think the only reason we aren’t hearing about ARs for 8.2 atm is because the art team assigned to this is busy making the new Worgen and Goblin models.

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GOLDBLOON the new light forged goblins, that went a little above and beyond with their love of gold and all thinks extravant and gold, some weird alchemy and experimentations with body customization, some went for more subtle gold body tattooes, but others went so far as to have gold mounds of coins and tokens fused in and piled on their skin to be worn as armor, others had radical gold mechanical body parts replaced to resemble golden statues/golems, a few had their arm replaced with golden hammers, fists, and flails, Most of them had more radical experiments made so they could see the brighter side of things and find the gold better. Yep GOLDEN eyes, no longer just some elf thing.

New Order of Goldbloon Nation for goblin priests and paladins, established.

New mount golden chariot powered from a trio of winged goblins from love is in the air shackled in beautiful golden chains with golden carrots held just out of reach, and a small golden monster steam engine to add a little OMFph…, also mount includes an appraiser jewelcrafter who will let you unsocket a gem for a small fee, gem will also be claimed and donated to the order of goldbloon nation.

Heritage armor includes shoulder mounted scales to keep balance of all things easy to see and maintain, for quick and easy swift justice to be dealt out.

True, but this isnt a question of “why is this in the racial tab”.

This is a question of “why isnt this in the racial tab”.

True, but the racial tag string was something implemented from the beginning and there is nothing that states something else was added from the files.

I mean, I hope you arent trying to pivot to a “agenda-based Wowhead” or an appeal to ignorance based on the fact that it wasnt added.

Not arguing this, at all.

This still doesnt explain why Mechagnomes were added, yet gilbins werent. There is no reason for Blizzard not to make the race stand by itself in its own racial tag if they intend on being playable at some point in time. Especially when they have made potential allied races have theirs before an actual announcement.