Next set of ARs speculation

Because gnomes aren’t getting a whole neew remodel. Goblins are. Why would they reveal a Goblin AR without showing the new goblin model? You have to think buddy

Why would they have to when they already created one using the goblin model that has customization available?

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Just going to reiterate what I have said before many times. If blizzard catered to every popular request, this game would be world of elf craft pretty much. A lot of the same people that argue against goblins and gnomes getting AR would also argue they shouldn’t have been playable to begin with. No sympathy for them.


Because that would spoil the remodel

Because its not going to happen

Vulpera already use the goblin model and are in sync with the universal model, they are already customizable, they can be equipped with armor due to being part of the universal model, and have player specific animations.

The only thing that the gilbins have going for them is that they are goblins and this reach that they will be updated with the goblin update ( which is about as reaching as Daniel Jones).

You have to think buddy.


1.) Making Vulpera a AR wouldn’t be ideal for Blizz because like they said they want to do their best to use the original race and vulpera are far from goblins.

2.) 8.2.5 isn’t that far away when you think about it

3.) How do you know, they seem more likely than Vulpera

You sir need to get your idea of beauty adjusted. Goblin ladies are some of the most beautiful of them all in Azeroth :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

“These are Allied Races, these aren’t Sub-Races. There’s no direct associated Race or “Parent Race” or anything like that”
-Ion Hazzikostas, Blizzcon 2017 Q&A

I mean if you convienently ignore everything that i said that the vulpera have right now, then you can claim that.


Possible future combinations, in my opinion:

Gilblins vs Mecha Gnomes
San’layn vs Night Elf Worgen
Vulpera vs Sethrak

And either as an allied or core race:

Ogres vs Vrykul

I would honestly be happy with these. ^^


They need to use the universal model, which they currently do not. This ship has sailed.

Gilgoblins also needs a “(sadly),” too.

More unique than Mechagnomes and are a actual AR besides a addon to reg races

I would play one if I was Horde


You literally ignored facts in this thread already


Sure, but stats hurt your argument. Elves + Humans make up 40% of the 120 player base. Making another 1% or 2% race like …well all AR’s but Voids and Zands seems pretty stupid from a bus standpoint

And again, I’m telling you facts. They don’t probably even have the the new models finished to have the customization options

The only thing that the gilbins have going for them is that they are goblins and this reach that they will be updated with the goblin update ( which is about as reaching as Daniel Jones).

I will tell you why they are likely to happen.

1. They are helping the Horde in Nazjatar

And from the looks of things they have a more sizable force than Vulpera do with camps all over Nazjatar. Not just in one place.

  1. They have a full set of goblin animations.

Believe it or not the Gilgoblin males and females actually both exceed Vulpera. Check it if you don’t believe me.

Side by side comparison of Gilgoblin/Vulpera animations

  1. Historically whenever player models are updated, this extends to npcs models and variants except in really old areas.

  2. Dark Iron didn’t get a full HD model with all the bells and whistles you see today until they become playable.

  3. Gilgoblins have been shown in the PTR to have at least normal intelligence or higher.

In this video you can see a lot of cognitive thinking skills and also compassion.

6. The Unshackled as it turns out is lead by Gilgoblins and consists of mostly Gilgoblins

And it turns out that the first one to escape the Naga was a Gilgoblin named Neri Sharpfin. She also pulled it together.

  1. There are indications that they might actually be developing intelligence on the level of mainstream goblins or already have it.

This is because they somehow managed to learn all kinds of professions while isolated from society and in such a very short time after being released from the naga. The only way they could have learned this stuff is by themselves. They know things like engineering, leather working, blacksmithing and can teach you professions.

  1. Vykrul had Geosets and many player specific animations and it never become and AR.

Blizzard has said that just because a race is in the “races” section of wowmodelviewer" doesn’t mean it will be an allied race and having ghosts also doesn’t guarantee a race will be an AR.

9. Intrinsic similarities

So far all races have always been the same racial type. Never has an exception been made and there is the highly speculated mechagnomes. Gilgoblins and Mechagnomes would pair together in a way that makes great sense. Vulpera are nothing like goblins other than their rig, size and that they are helping the horde. Similarities end after that. When the time comes, it is likely that whatever race rolls around in the goblin slot will likely be a goblin of some kind.


No you arent, because then you wouldnt be using words like “probably” when trying to argue against my point.

Man, you are, like, a super downer.


And if you want me to link sources to the I provided, feel free to ask.

I said probably aren’t done with the new models, which they probably aren’t lets be honest