Next Scarlet Raid/Dungeon SHOULD be a massive skill check

I don’t care. This SHOULD be a difficult encounter, we already have all the vanilla raids that have been solved a 1000 times and are easy. These will be new instances that should be difficult instead of watered down.

However, remember Kelris from BFD? It was annoying, however, fairly rewarding. He dropped a lot of good stuff.

Hard, SKILL CHECK content like this should be significantly more rewarding as in a very large loot table, good items, and very high drop rates. The barrier? Be good at the game. Preferably a 10 man cap similar to UBRS

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No thanks.


The problem with vanilla raids is they’re unbalanceable. World buffs and consumes make character power vary so much that you can’t produce an adequately challenging raid.

Solution : design a raid that wipes all world buffs and consumes on entry and continually. Could be part of the difficulty system, but point is WBs especially are way too OP and trivialize the content.

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World buffs should of never been a thing. They are BS and you hit all the right points. Also, the people who say “no thanks” have never seen C’thun in their lives and they will remain at the bottom where they belong.

There should be small group 5-10 difficult content with rewards that much said difficulty. If I have to wipe 10 times on something to do it with my group, it should be very rewarding by the time we get it down

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just design a raid that is harder than naxx but not extreme with mythic+ related mechanics. also F HM cthun without worldbuffs.

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What are “mythic+ related mechanics”

C’thun has more mechanics than many retail dungeon bosses

any scaling % difficulty system with any of these current bs hardmode mechanics. like the raid wide spread poison debuff. yes its easy to counter but its very annoying when youre in a tunnel or just a meele person in general. or make something a little more fun than -9% hp and whatever else it does to healing and dmg

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If you have ever mythic or heroic raided on retail there are many well balanced and fun fights. Some overtuned and annoying ones, but a lot of fairly easy good fun ones. They need to take notes and not get too worked up about people who can’t explain the Barron Geddon fight in 2025

I mean…if you want Mythic Difficulty, you can get that.

…in Retail.

Personally, I don’t get why people want a video game to be challenging. Ya’ll remind me of the parents screaming at their kids from the sidelines to treat the Little League like it’s ‘the pros’. Why can’t the kids just have fun…

Just go in to kill stuff and hang with ‘the bois’.


I want a Scarlet Charger and the proper Scarlet Tabard: gold trim and red stripe.

Uhh do you know what the point to video games are? ESPECIALLY classic wow?

This isn’t a mobile game designed to feed you dopamine hits until your brain is fried. THAT is what you can find in retail lmfao.

Hopefully it is challenging, throw in some KT mob control/healing/move out of stuff mechanics, make the boss hit as hard as patchwerk, and maybe some raid wide debuff cleansing like viscidus… and there you go as a start… and the biggest part is i hope there is no PTR for any of the new boss fights. Let it all be a mystery.

Sadly the people that cry about stuff being a little challenging will win in the end though… oh well.

People will always cry and they shouldn’t be IGNORED but Blizzard shouldn’t give in. Sunken Temple trash??? Yeah that was BS it was so annoying.

But RAIDS are endgame and should be hard. 90% of boss fights are so easy once you get them down. Retail and classic included. Making it 5-10 man would also take personal skill into account

Historically “difficult” raids has made classic players quit. If you had to choose between a growing community with less difficulty vs the opposite? Also hiding more rewarding loot behind more difficult encounters creates a bigger separation between sweats and casuals wich again will make the casuals quit. I think what they have done with increasing loot by difficulty and adding cosmetics is the sweet spot where you get to choose. we have to think about preserving the player base as well

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I think it should be like the other raids. Normal mode being puggable and hard modes offering more loot(same stats) with cosmetics on gear.

I’m not saying this in a judgey or mean way but classic wow has a lot of bad players and you don’t want them all quitting if they can’t clear the content. Like back during the Molten Core phase when raided I remember how many Fury warriors couldn’t handle the SOD rotation(especially with the T1 6pc) because they were used to only using BT and WW on CD while spamming HS and hamstring.

SOD has been a chill middle ground between the Uber simplicity of Era and the sweatiness of retail.

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He wasn’t a skill check just a flat nerf to 75% caster DPS if his resistances weren’t so overtuned the fight was easy.

Though I do agree with you I could do for some more complex raids as long as it’s not over the top.

Or maybe blizzard learned their lesson in phases 2/3 and the base difficulty should be easily puggable with optional hard modes.

You sweaties never learn. The player base does NOT like difficult / impossible content. They want fun, enjoyable and meaningful content.

Only you and like 10 others find wiping all night to the same boss and walking away with no loot fun.

The rest of us will just quit and find another game.

I hope blizzard learned their lesson from AQs launch and will do better with nax and these new dungeons

Mythic + are Bad nowadays.

Top tier dungeons are in tbc (the hardest ones) and should be the minimun rule in every 5 man dungeons. Hardest and slow is better than the run run Boring from M+

I hope Blizzard tunes Nax so much it kills the entire casual population because they deserve it after crying for so long and for 10 years of “MUH CLASSIC” Go to retail where LFR exists