So basically…
“I’m one of the most skilled players in WoW, and I want more of a challenge! Give ME the hardest mode you have, these casual players that keep the game alive are hindering ME and MY greatness!”
Yet, this is the same guy that probably won’t do dungeons/raids without any gear on whatsoever if he truly wanted a challenge. Nobody is forcing world buffs on you, nobody is forcing potions/elixirs on you, nobody is forcing enchants on you, etc…If you want a challenge, there are ways you can make it harder for yourself, but you don’t have to make it exponentially harder on other players.
Video games are supposed to be fun, not mind numbingly tedious and table flippingly rage inducing. If you want that, I’d suggest playing The Lion King (Genesis/SNES), that’ll fill ya right up.
You’re literally crying about people crying.
Plus, this is so rich coming from the most casual friendly class in WoW, aside from Hunters.
Remain at the bottom where they belong, huh? Weird coming from a player who maxxed out 1800 in arena and in SL S2 which was the most inflated season in potentially WoW’s history outside of BFA S4. Very interesting indeed
I would have been ok with stronger difficulty if raids were kept to 10 man.
But with 20 man raid, I realize it it hard to have everyone focused. It’s usually a handful of people carrying the rest on their shoulders and it’s just not fun when you wipe because half of your raid (even in guilds) don’t really care/can’t focus/aren’t great players.
If I want a challenge I’d rather play PoE2 but in a raid setting - even though some difficulty is nice - I don’t want to pay for others mistakes for entire evenings.
A good difficulty increase between NM and HM is fine by me.
Mechanical detail isn’t the important skill of an MMO. Only to clowns does it matter significantly. Being able to socialize is the point. Can you assemble a group that can play together? Yes? One that doesn’t have toxic weirdos complaining about any minor inconvenience? Then, congratulations, you should be able to complete the encounter.
Dumb wannabe e-sports weirdos need to understand what video games are about. There’s truly something sad about the life you’re projecting you live. What’s funniest is, people with your attitude are always terrible mechanically at video games, too, and depend on someone else’s guide to attempt doing anything.
The same point of all videogames. To have fun.
Let me ask you this.
If they put in a ‘Hardmode’; complete with all the difficulty modifiers, which only gave cosmetic changes to items (ie the Molten, Bloodied, Shadowflame, Void-touched). But the loot amount and item power (ilevel) was the same as the ‘normal mode’.
…would you play the ‘hardmode’.
You see, I often find people don’t actually want the harder difficulties unless they get, as they see it, a ‘tangible’ reward; higher ilvl or more loot.
A lot of losers don’t know what competition is. They only understand toxic competition. It’s not enough for them to find success in what they’re doing, they need to ensure others don’t find success to elevate themselves. It’s the same phenomenon behind all bigotry.
It’s hysterically sad when they make it obvious they had no friends when they were kids, but they sure do like to remind everyone often with the behavior they exude.
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The fact they are not solved will make it harder. That one dude in BFD was stopping groups until people figured out FAPs got rid of the chain mechanic
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Solution: design a raid with do-or-die mechanic checks.
Don’t click the goo spew nozzle? Now the platform is covered in goo, and your raid has nowhere to run to avoid it.
Don’t interrupt the boss uber spell? He goes berserk and kills everyone.
Don’t run out of the raid when you have the bomb? You just blew up and killed everyone.
Don’t cc adds? They do something nasty and wipe you.
And of course the mechanics trigger based on boss health thresholds, not based on time, so killing the boss faster doesn’t help that much.
Im down for Different difficulty levels and adding in more drops at higher difficulty levels. But lets not make the defualt retail mythic plus. This all based around vanilla at the end of the day.