Next level laziness

So blizzard announced what the season 4 mythic + mount will look like and it’s literally the exact same mount as season 1 :joy: we all know that each season is usually just a recolor of the same mount but this time they took it to the next level of laziness and didn’t even bother changing anything.

Shameful absolutely shameful.

Edit: maybe more resembles season 2 mount



It’s only shameful if you have any shame to begin with


Fair point :rofl:. Just saw it.

Appears to be a blue recolour. So for 4.2% of the population it will appear the same as season one.

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It’s literally not tho

Season 4:

Season 1:

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My guess is they meant S2

That looks even more distinct


Ehh id say the two are fairly similar but yes there is a difference but not a drastic one like we got for S3, which is what I think people were half expecting

Oh, you’re right. The gem is a different color.

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I would assume there’s some sort of RBG slider, and they just move one or two of the sliders and recolor the texture map?

Imagine being so lazy you can’t move the sliders a little bit further.

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Instead of giving players an RBG slider to change the color of their mounts they try to release the same mount in mutliple colors to milk player subscriptions


yeah cause it’s not like these dudes make real content , wonder what the budget is on this billion dollar company in the creative department?

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the budget for the creative department goes to customizing Bobby’s Yacht and paying for Ion’s narcotics to give him the creative boost he needs to come up with new contraversal game design issues and terrible writing ideas

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I swear some of you people have a weird kink for whining.

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Is it bad that i just googled that term and what i got back was Dacryphilia?

I’m scared to look that up at work :joy:

I hate the ksm mounts. I wish it was a little more subtle and blended in more. If I were to use it I feel I would be shouting, “hey look at me! I got ksm!”

Basically it’s getting turned on from your own crying or somebody else crying… as in tears crying.

Also i’ve gotten myself into a rabbithole of learning about those werid fetishes and kinks now. Like Quicksand Drowning… :grimacing:

/Climbs out the rabbithole, boards it up and runs off. Comes back, unboards it up, pours gasoline in it, throws 8 tons of already lit dynamite, then runs off as quickly he can. It explodes shortly after. :exploding_head:

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I’m actually okay with this. I am unsubbing for this “bonus” patch until the new expansion. I’ve already gotten Tower Ranger, KSM, KS Hero, AOTC, and duelist as soon as they were available or within 1st month. I have nothing left to do but grind more pointless scores/accolades which I don’t want to do, so I’ve been spamming alts. But now I’m tired boss. So them not giving new rewards really helps with the unsub so I can take a much needed break.

Blizzard and lazy, name a more iconic duo.