Next level laziness

Is it the same? That’s news too me. I cant get any of these mounts so I just wrote them off. Seems odd though that they’d once again use a retexture of an existing one.


at this point im starting to think they like being hated LUL

not even trying.

luckily i dont care about mounts - i’m good with my shredder and yak heh

It’s not. Children just like to cry when they don’t get exactly what they wanted.

They all look bad to begin with. Why even be mad?

Ah I see. I mean I have cooler looking mounts than any of these so its kinda irrelevant but its odd people would get angry over a mount that from what I’ve seen less than maybe 1 percent? Even have the chance to get.

Much cooler looking mounts are out there with less stress tied to them.

Are you colour blind? it’s literally not

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The season 4 coloration was the exact color they were going to give for season 2 before changing it to the current one we got.

It’s just blizz exhausting made colorations so they don’t sit in storage for like 5-10 years when we get islands 2.0.

It’s the same in the way that the Blue Drake is identical to the Red Drake.


You’re right, they scooted the hue shader over towards blue just a fuzz.