We’ve been making posts about playable Dragons for years.
Something different, but related; i wouldn’t mind an achievement that allows limited dragonform. Perhaps 30 minute cool down. Dragon form allows firebreath AOE, claw and Tail sweep (knock down stun). Also flight if in fly zone.
I don’t see Blizzard adding any more classes to this game. Things like Necromancers (demo warlocks), tinkers (hunters) blademaster (fury warrior) will just be cosmetic changes to existing classes. Probably available through loot boxes.
You say that necromancers offer nothing truly unique as far as class fantasy or gameplay goes.
You’re right about class fantasy, but considering there’s no game design for the necromancer, it seems a little weird to use that against them. I’m sure if Blizzard made them, there would be.
When you think of a hero class I guess what people should think of is something that can only be described as “edgy” such as death knights, demon hunters, and necromancers.
Those that use evil and forbidden magic. To some extent this applies to warlocks but I believe it is different when we look further and see that these hero classes require special training. They are members of dark orders that train them to use said magic.
A base class is something anyone could pick up and are often considered normal. (though in the case of WoW often limited by race due to the culture of said race)
Interesting. I would personally think of a “hero” class as any class with a concept that would make little sense to have start at the base level. Regardless of alignment. Paladins would have been an excellent choice for this. As would Dragonsworn.
Tinkers might be a good candidate for that, as a “low level” Tinker would be better suited for a workshop. Once they’ve reached a pinnacle of technique, they might take to the field themselves.
A Necromancer would make less sense. They’re a garbage tier class, so it would make sense for them to start with nothing.
dragonsworn would be a hero class. They are a more advanced class that would require special training.
I place necromancers as a hero class because playable necromancers would likely come in a wrath 2.0 expansion as part of the scourge like death knights. They would likely share a revamped starting zone with death knights and at the end of that intro storyline they join the ebon blade with the death knights.
Tinkers are without a doubt a base class. They don’t require special training. It is literally something anyone could pick up and work towards learning.
Metamorphosis warlocks say hello. It could totally happen again, particularly with so much focus on the banshee queen this expansion. It is highly conceivable they will have necromancer based on. the story being told right now.
Right now the story has shifted away from dragons. We haven’t seen any major dragons in a while, let alone any Dragonsworn. If we’re going off thematically appropriate classes, like I mentioned Tinker and Necromancer, most likely Necromancer.
Next expansion will tell the tale. But we already killed the biggest baddest dragons around, so I seriously doubt another dragon expansion. I’m expecting some sort of life versus death expansion, if it’s not the long awaited “Bolvar Fordragon is crazy now” expansion. Odds are Dragonsworn aren’t going to happen. It seems like the classes Blizzard tends to add classes based on how much people say it would be awesome. You’re the first person I’ve seen ask for a Dragonsworn class, so I doubt it. It’s not only theme that is important, it’s also demand, which is considerable when making a class. I’ve only heard you talk about Dragonsworn being a class before.