Next expansion should be simple

I have the impression that, as more complex the expansion systems gets, harder it gest for Blizzard to release content in a good pace.

I think next expansion should me as much simple as possible. Just bring back things that worked in the past and don’t try to reinvent the wheel.

  • No new gear shenanigans, just tier sets
  • Get rid of borrowed power systems, but give something cool with the talent trees to make them mure customizable (diablo 3 runes are a good starting point).
  • On the same topic, bring back glyphs
  • Bring class halls back and do some class cosmetic progression, like exclusive transmogs gated behind varied forms of content (war banners on warrior’s back, new druid forms, tomes to paladin’s waits, etc).
  • Return of the mop style of reputations (with them being different from each other and having different types of content).
  • Engaging with reputations make you have a zone progression that give you some quality of life in that specific zone (move speed, mount speed, fast gathering, etc).
  • Make a simple grounded story in azeroth with likable characters and an interesting villain.

I like all of these, so long as we get a Tinker class too. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: or else, why bother?

I like this, so long as they keep the “paragon” chests from legion. After you reach exalted, you can still gain rep for special rewards, mounts, and money.

So much this. A Villain with abilities we understand, motivations we understand, and a goal that we understand.

Gallywix wants to rule the world, or something like that.
No more cosmic villains.

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The only thing i didn’t like about paragon chest is that they had an RNG factor in their rewards. But i agree with the concept. I imagine something like a currency you recieve after you get exalted that you can use to buy crafting materials, mounts, pets, gold chests, gear chests, so on and so forth.

This. And while we’re at it, get rid of holy power for Holy Paladins. No one, and I mean no one, wants to use combo points as a healer.

Nooo I do. I was sad when they pruned it in Legion. :frowning:
Better yet re-introduce Eternal Flame as a talent, give it built-in Illuminated Healing (old Mastery).

I would even love an expansion with no new zone. Bring a new threat to the old zones, make us travel all over the world to level and update old dungeons and raids.


Tier sets were gear shenanigans. They were gone because of several factors: 1. Folks never completed the whole set, just bare minimum just get power and that’s it. 2. It was scrapped when you had four types (LFR,Normal,Heroic and Mythic). Kinda a pain

how bout no? Trees were nothing more than just punishing people for not putting points into specific trees (a lot were pointless fluff) and Glyphs were a pain due to the same issues. For me, I was glad that the talent tree got pruned big time and the glyph system too.

didn’t folks complain about Mage Tower being too hard?

This I agree on

…then you mentioned this and now you lost me.

Define “grounded” because prior stories in Classic were convoluted and nothing new.

I think the biggest thing tht could help them is to reuse the world.

So much sits there dead. Legion was great because it reused so many old zones for the artifact weapons etc.

Probably saves dev time too

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You may need to expand more on that. Gear is OG borrowed power that we’re going to get. Talent Tree is something a lot of people would either miss or nervous about.

At least it shouldn’t be Path of Exile Passive Tree, ironically enough, Path of Exile Passive Tree is perhaps the most simplest thing about the game.

Sure. Returning Glyphs of what they once were.

I absolutely have nothing against this! This is a neat idea.

Keep the paragon along with this and we have a deal!

Human Sex Appeal Racial Ability is gonna be OP with this one!

I mean they can still scrap what they have with the Jailer. Can they? I do not know if Azeroth have any interesting villains left or be able to make new ones like Azshara and Denathrius respectively.

There might not be a “next” expansion in the next 3 years.

Let us not forget how hated the MoP dailies were when current content.
People really only started to like them after two big changes- the 5.1 Commendation’s and the 5.2 Stolen Insignia’s.
A lot of players (myself included) farmed a lot of the reps simply by farming the Zandalari War Scouts and Warbringers.

I don’t wanna be too sour.
But, WoW is going to have RNG. You can’t make every piece of progression a guaranteed thing.

Yes, but they were better than Azerite, Essences, Corruption and Domination. They got rid of them in BFA because of Azerite as far as i know.

Yeah, but now you got covenants, soulbinds, conduits and domination sockets, and all those will be rebalanced on the next patch. I’m not saying to bring back old talent trees, I’m just saying to do something more interesting with the current ones.

Yes, on the release. But with the gear scaling they got easier on 7.3. But i was not talking about mage tower in specific, that’s why i said varied content

what’s the problem with bonus in the zones? it would be totally optional

Something different than A WORLD ENDING THREAT THAT WILL CHANGE THE FATE OF AZEROTH. Something on a small scale with clear goals and motiavtions.

What I did like about those old trees is that your class identity was based on where most of your talents were placed. For example, if you play a Mage then you are a Mage first and foremost, if most of your talents were Frost-based then you were considered to be a “Frost Mage”. I personally think the talent tree should be reimagined, perhaps become something similar to the Salt and Sanctuary talent tree, but slightly less complex.

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This is basically all I want

People hated the style of dailies but quite frankly that is what the chore should be. I didn’t have an issue with MoP whatsoever, I rather enjoyed all aspects of MoP (World, PvE, PvP)

I am probably one of the few who do enjoy Torghast - by design it is fun and enjoyable to run around like a God destroying everything. It’s pretty fun to figure what powers sync well together (Feral roots doing massive dmg per second w/ roots can sustain more dmg before breaking - to name one); it’s one of the few aspects of WoW that you can define your own meta for w/o looking up a guide.

OP is right. We need to get back to basics here.

Shooting titans from a spaceship on another planet because batman and a giant wind-chime said it would be cool…that was stupid

looks at watch
when is Wotlk classic coming?

Yeah, I’m really waiting for WoTLK:C. It has more spells for classes that make PvP fun. That and it has equal ilvl PvP - outside of shoulders and weap (correct me if i’m wrong); it feels fair. Until everyone decides to boost and what only should be 10% of the playerbase having earned those pieces turns in to 65-80% feeling they deserve those peices to blast others into oblivion.

Gear is something that we naturally change with new patches. I just don’t like stuff that makes us really powerfull and then gets scrapped on the next expansion or even next patch. About talents, i imagine they giving us more options or do something that customize some of the spells. Imagine if you can customize your Permafrost talent to give a 60% shied, or a 40% shield that give you a little speed bonus or a 20% shield that reflect a portion of your damage to your enemy.

When i sai reputations like in mop i mean that each one must feel different from the other or some extra flavour. Since Legion all of them are homogenized: just a bar to fill doing world quests and emissaries. I want something different, but i don’t need to be exactly mop dailies.

I like it too. My only grip is that you need to do just 6 floors to get soul ash and the new scoring system makes it feel like something i need to rush. I wish that would be cool to get some cosmetics while doing a twisting corridors type of run that is “infinite” just to see how far and op i can get.

They need to innovate the game in interesting ways. Not systems.

Copy and pasting the same template isn’t gonna cut it.