Next expansion should be simple

Most times when they do that they get bashed for being lazy and just doing reskins rather than making new stuff.

Like the 8.3 Nzoth assaults.

They can’t win either way.

Sorry, I did actually backspace the point for having/not having Torghast be about Soul Ash. I see it from their perspective as: If it’s not important the players will stop playing around with it (after rewards are obtained) thus sees no more development time.

Your “infinite” run would fix that for those who would enjoy the competitive aspect of seeing who could go further. Not everything competitive has to be an esport. The infinite corridors would have had the best of the best runners on twitch (boosting viewer count for World of Warcraft) competing against each other in streams. The higher the view count the higher up the page WoW goes and the more people/potential new players will see the game and wonder what it is/try/play it.

The story of Blizzard.

They made anima a currency for transmogs, mounts and toys after people complained about legion and bfa artifact power grinds. People then complained that anima felt pointless since it doesn’t contribute to player power.

You try to make one side happy, the other side will always be left disappointed.

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Gotta be honest. A lot I couldn’t stand about legion, but the one thing I DID think cool was going back to old content to get like my legendary weapons

WTF. No. People complain that anima drops are too low and that you have to spend it in your sanctum so you can have the anima boost from achievs. I never saw someone asking to spend anima on player power.

I have a feeling next Xpac is going to revolve around player creativity and even housing since there was so much namedropping of ‘Recreating in my image’ so I’d bet its meant to convey more what our playstyle is going to have.

Cool. But it happened.

Oh, and there’s people now complaining about too much anime and having it clog up their bags.

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That’s assuming there is one.

Complexity and rpg mechanics are fine.

Shallow gating systems that exist only to siphon resources from the rest of the game are not.

I’d rather turn Permafrost into Soul Leech. But then again, it kinda does that to the extent? xD

Also I’m leering at lv 45 talent for Frost. That talent row is FULL of problems.

Did you just say wrath of the lich king classic?

I like these ideas!

I noticed one day while watching Thor 2 on television, I only paid attention when the action was on Earth. Staying on Azeroth is a good idea, it’s our home.

I’d like to see rep tabards again where you can focus on something and get rep even for killing mobs in dungeons.

Reusing art work does save a lot of time but with a new expansion we expect and demand new stuff to see and explore.

I agree with that the next expac should focus on Azeroth.

What I’d like to see is some new allied races for Alliance. One’s that aren’t just a slight variation of the ones that are already there. Time to give them something interesting and unique.

Nah, I want to fight the Void lords next expansion, you don’t go backwards.

Hopefully we get tier gear and something more like AP from legion.

u didnt get excited to go to argus? literal seat of the burning legion the OG big bad?

Ill put it this way.

A great steak doesn’t need bbq sauce.

I liked legion. But it went a tad far imo.

Mortals killing world souls? Ya, no.

Yes and also add armor dyes :slight_smile: