Next elf race

Don’t we have enough freaking elves?! We got elves spewing out all our nooks and crannies. We got elves everywhere. This is world of elfcraft. We need ogres and Thai street food vendors, not elves. Ffs…haven’t you had enough? You can only get conned into watching Friends with your girlfriend on the couch so many times before you throw the tv out the wondow and say “It’s a stupid freaking show angela and you suck for making me watch this crap”.

I have no idea what I’m talking about. It’s well past time I passed out now. Hapoy saturday yall. (Eff elves though dude)

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What a surprise, Slaanesh has a thing about elves. :sweat_smile:


How about the Fal’dorei?

I want to be a Spider Elf!!

Don’t we have enough humans?

You’re right, it’s the popular opinion anyway that high elves shouldn’t be added into the game and its movement to do so is widely considered one of the most annoying things to grace these forums.

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Basic awareness.

That is what I thought you have none. Sorry, I don’t believe your make up stuff.

Your perception problem isn’t my problem, and it’s just another red flag for the average user to avoid the fanatics, so carry on.

Why do we need halfbreed Elves as the next race?
We already have plenty of Elves anyways.

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Keep making up stuff as well… I am used to seeing this on the forums… Making up stuff to support their opinions or anti opinions.

I stated a fact, which by accepting wouldn’t invalidate your want for high elves, so I don’t know what’s the harm.

Wrong! Also, you don’t know my wants.

You’re a contrarian by nature? So inadvertently, you kind of do admit that the people wanting high elves are the underdogs.

See there you are making stuff up again.

If you largely ignore reality already, I suppose me bringing awareness of it to you is making stuff up, yeah.

You don’t have awareness, but carry on… You only know what you like and dislike.

Next elf race is going to be the Gelf, a tall gnome thats still shorter than a human with pointed ears. Still a better concept than junker gnomes

Dark Elf on a Shelf

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Oh snap!

Actually, I have little memory of posting that last night so…maybe it was one of those times where I was wasted from consuming too many elf souls…