Next elf race

Will it be a Jen or a Kira?

How about a cross between a fox and an elf or fish elves. Fish elves can have scales and grow tails in the water, or they can just be naga.

if i want a wolf im not going to complain that they arent on horde. i either dont make one because theyre alliance or i suck it up and make one. you cant complain about your persistence to not play on the opposite faction

what in the lol

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Screw another elf. How about some customization that isn’t stuck in 2005?

Oh tauren hockey if they said that you people would still be REEEEEEEEE not right elves!!!

No more elves.


You do realize after the scourge only 10 % of the High Elf population survived and at least 90 % remained in Quel’thalas another maybe 5% went to out land with Kael and maybe the remaining 5 % are the Mages and Silver Covenant that stayed in Dalaran.

At least with them giving you exiled Blood Elves you got the Alliance version of High Elves form a larger faction of the race then if they would of given you the Vereesa Brigade.

Well technically those Horde blood elves were once high elves, so the high elves that are part of the silver covenant would have even more precedent for being a proper alliance playable race. If Blizzard wanted to keep things balanced they could give the horde the San-layn…totally different emo elves and cook up pull some bs excuse for their inclusion out of their rear as they did for the void elves.

And sorry but that video is kind of illogical if you look at lore.

You claim the video says “High Elves aren’t really out there.” and that the blood elves and void elves are basically high elves. That’s a pretty poor argument because the game itself presents evidence to the contrary.

And as far as the Silver Covenant serving the Kirin Tor first and alliance second? Not quite. The Silver Covenant actually helped Jaina expel the horde from Dalaran in MoP when Garrosh stole the Divine Bell. They also control the alliance exclusive district in Dalaran.

In Legion, the High Elves are explicitly referenced by an image of Elisande so they are at least enough of a presence to be referenced by name. Certainly moreso than a splintered offshoot of blood elves who themselves were an offshoot of high elves.

You already have 4 of the 5 races. You have the troll, the Night Elf, The Bood Elf, and the Nightborne. Do we really need more?

or so that they dont give the alliance literal blood elves with different names just to appease alliance players

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Half Elves would be the crossbreed elf that’d make sense, imo

Should be a half-elf for alliance. high elf and human mix.

The story can just be that the non-adicts were mostly female with an anduin crush and high elf men are too feminine.

Their capital city could have a Duskwell that empowers them and from which they draw their nature magic, but then some world-level threat destroys it! The lack of their Duskwell would cause them to slowly become w- wr- wh- umm, * checks thesaurus * “Wilted”.

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Star Elves!:sparkles:

Yeah this sounds like an original idea blizzard would pull off