Next elf race

Thanks troll!

Sorry, this is the only character I post on.

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About how stupid it is and how we should be an ogre one or something instead.

Why do you care that we have a discord? It seems strange.

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You are right we should spend our time thinking about things people shouldnā€™t have.

Youā€™re aware weā€™re not just 24/7 doing that right? Iā€™m in like 20 discords.

The great thing about discord is you can have different channels for different subjects. :+1:

You in the anti vulpera one too?

No, Iā€™m not. Thatā€™s not a subject that interests me. Why do you ask?

It is an anti channel.

I think heā€™s trying to elicit a specific response so he can ā€˜pwnā€™ you.

And? I donā€™t define myself by my opposition to allied races.

I just donā€™t happen to like high elves as one.

It better be a good one with all this build up.

I donā€™t care donā€™t play em.

With all this suspense I almost want to root for him. :laughing:

Well you see, there are issues I feel that would negatively affect me even if I donā€™t choose to play them.

If you donā€™t mind then bully for you, my friend!

Yeah, ok let me guess Void Elves did the game in for you?

They did not, actually.

You know what would be a perfect place to discuss why I donā€™t want high elves?

The anti high elf discord.

Sorry, not going to joinā€¦ But your comments donā€™t add up.

Well then try converting them to int32.

I dunno what to tell you, I guess Iā€™m just of the opinion that weā€™re entitled to somewhere to discuss our opinions as much as any other group. :woman_shrugging:

Int64 would be less limiting but anyway enjoy your opinions elsewhere!

I will, thank you! As well as here! :smiley:

Btw, I like your transmog!

Thank you, I like your name!