Next elf race

Anti, check your notifications in other threads.

Come on discord, I have mic, I will explain to you, more easier than typing.

I was just on there.

So what youā€™re saying is the use of Fel is what bothers you and you donā€™t want to associate with them at all?

Thanks for the offer, Iā€™ll think about it, only because thereā€™s like ten others for different games iā€™m never active in

What is the point of a Anti discord? LOL!

To talk about all the things we could be getting which are so so much better than playable Alliance High Elves. Thereā€™s so many of them it needs its own space.

Also to organize when helfers troll or bait us. It helps keep threads open.

The trolls are out in force tonight but hit any of us up. Itā€™s not exactly a secret.

Look here, there are Elves fighting alongside Humans long before Blood Elves even existed. So how can you say the Elves are a Horde race? Horde came much later in history before that Elves were always teamed up with Humans lol.

Ah yes, the Warcraft 2 argument.

Such a solid point.


Shame they never got around to making a 3rd in the RTS series.

Are you suggesting that a game from 20 years ago might not be the most up to date lore source? :kissing:

Should have done the Ogres discord then.

Thatā€™s a funny way to spell mokā€™nathal.

Go for it?

I am not the one in some dumb Anti discord.

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Youā€™re another baiter arenā€™t you?

Nope, just giving out truths one by one.

Why do you care what discord other people are in? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I donā€™t since I saw them saying they are in one I commented! :slight_smile:

Maybe donā€™t feed this troll.

Itā€™s probably the same person as the last one.
Cycling between level 10ish alts.