Next elf race

Sanlayn because they’re a bit taller are undead vampire elves and the allaince will get mad when they realize we got more high elves since half were from the arthus attack and are 1 of the reasons for the name change. Other half came later and thats just more belf goodness for me

Nothing is answered in that video besides this useless quote: “If you want to play a blonde hair, fair skinned elf, the horde is waiting for you.”


How is it useless? You can make a blood elf right now.

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That’s an answer.


It’s too late for that now. The foundation of the Void Elves have been cemented as “EX-Horde” outcasts thrown out of Silvermoon.

But I don’t want a Blood Elf? I want a Silver Covenant ALLIANCE High Elf.


Is it that you wouldn’t want them mixing with former Blood Elves?

Like the video says, High Elves aren’t really “out there”, and I doubt Ion could even forget the Silver Covenant when he probably reads mail about it every day. So that’s included in his argument.

My guess is because the Silver Covenant serves the Kirin Tor first and the Alliance second.

Probably yes I don’t like this idea.

Personally I don’t find them all that different except that one is on the Horde and the other on the Alliance.

He doesn’t reference the Silver Covenant anywhere in that video you linked me.

Of course, we need many more Elven races!


What is it about the Blood Elves that you so strongly dislike?

Guess it’s not big enough to mention.

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They are different politically, the High Elf of Alliance are not same as Blood Elf of Horde. The Horde one is a fel-sucker. The Alliance one is pure and uncorrupted.

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Ast, are you on our discord?

Yeah I am on it, why? I will debate you on it, do you have mic? I have a mic.


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Nope, what discord? Anti or pro?

I don’t believe that is true, either way many have been purified.