Next class leaked!

All I’m saying is that there are dozens of better options than Bard. Because you’ll never get a true incarnation of a support class in a modern MMO, so why are people so intent on getting that label applied to a class?

Give us Dragonsworn, Necromancer, Dark Ranger, even Tinker… anything but a “bard.”

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You’re fantasy of bard will never be added into a modern MMO.

Bard can be added in a fun, unique, interesting way into WoW. It won’t be your fantasy. But it’ll be neat none the less.

You got another name for a healer/dps who uses music and instruments in battle? No? Didn’t think so. No class is defined by role. Roles are arbitrarily decided by the specific game. And each game can have it’s own take. I’ve played like 5 games with a “Warden” class and they’re all different. From support, pure damage, to tank to hybrid. Modern bards tend to be healing/damage. I’m sorry your bard fantasy is dead. But that doesn’t stop WoWs version of bard becoming playable and maybe they will use a unique term as the term Bard isn’t used a lot in WoW. But bard has meaning that people know in games. Its a class that fights with music. People understand that. I bet if I asked 100 gamers to describe a bard in a single sentence they’d say something about music, not about support. A game that has a support role any class can fill that role if designed to. Support is a role that is based on gameplay. Bard is a class theme like rogue/thief, warrior/fighter, hunter/ranger, etc. All of those are also very basic but I’ve seen different versions of them. I’ve seen healing rangers, and tanking rogues and pure damage warriors. Bard is the only core class concept WoW is missing. After Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Mage.

Dragonsworn COULD be fun. I’d love more lore with the dragons especially since legion said they’re inevitably going to go extinct now. Potentially dragonsworn exist to replace dragons roles in the world. Guarding, time, magic, earth, emerald dream, and life.

Necromancer is cool and popular class but it’s a ranged unholy DK in a cloth. Or a demo warlock using undead instead of demons. Might be easier to get “glyph of undeath” for warlocks and turn their demons into undead instead. Cuz they’re already so close.

Dark ranger lore while cool it’s basically just a ranged rogue and giving a bow spec to rogue would make more sense to accomplish that theme. As a class by itself it’s kind of awkward because only 3 races, maybe 4 would make sense for it. I guess If sylvanas gets a redemption arc she could be the class trainer for it and train a bunch of new races and become neutral but who wants that? sOmeone I asssume. See the most fun part about Sylvanas abilities wise is that she is a banshee which not all dark rangers are. But the ability to leave your body as a spirit-banshee form would be cool, or too like possess somebody. I’d play the heck out of that. Dark ranger could throw some necromancy in there too.

Tinker would certainly be interesting and other than bard would be bringing in a concept not currently being used for a class to fight at a large scale. Technology. Might actually make a gnome or goblin. Though I hope they wouldn’t be restricted to gnomes and goblins because more races than that lore wise can do that and honestly anyone can learn to pilot and mech and build things. But tinkers also exist among blood elves (and thus void elves) and draenei (and thus lightforged). It’s also been used by orcs since MoP. Garrosh LOVED technology. Dwarves are tinkers too being so close with gnomes. Nightborn for sure as well. Those races would make sense but potentially all/most races could get it. Or maybe all races but night elf/tauren (OG druid races) because of how nature focused they are.

Honestly monk wasn’t a common term in WoW. I believe there were some human monks in classics which were basically priests who punched things (I think disc was supposed to be a monk-esque spec that’s why that one ability gave attack power but classic wow devs were drunk and never fleshed it out). Then in TBC there was some Draenei monks. But the term was very rarely used and the type of monks we play are actually based off of the Wc3 Brewmaster hero class.

A lot of people have mentioned that every single WoW class and especially the hero classes are derived from Wc3. Which would make Tinker (with an alchemist themed heal spec) the most likely option for a new class. Bards are as stated virtually unheard of in WoW lore (especially combat bards). And they don’t even have a Wc3 counterpart with a different name. I don’t believe any abiltiy in Wc3 used music.

Blizzard can’t even balance the class and people still want more class :roll_eyes:

People have said this since TBC. It isn’t stopping bliz.

Precisely. I’d love nothing more than more draconic content. Everything else is constrained by preconceptions or wouldn’t be thematic to the content it was introduced during.

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Anything but tinker is great in my opinion, we already even have engineering as a profession lol. It’d be such a boring fantasy to add.

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I want tinkerer class so bad… able to set up stationary pets (turrets) that dont move, use lazor weapons. High tech class. Not rudimentary like survival hunter.

Possible Giant robot pet for another pet class too.

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You two must fight to the death

Avatar the Last Airbender has you covered. Google Bloodbending if you don’t know what I’m talking about.

The dragon aspects are one of my favorite elements of the lore and really make WoW unique. They’re pan-faction, pan-race, and as NPCs, really represent Azeroth itself.

I do not care for bard, tinkerer, or necromancer hero classes. I honestly think WoW has too much tech in it, for my tastes. This goes for gnomes, titans, etc. I like the magic. As for new classes at all, they should spend time fixing existing specs instead of creating new classes.

I am so glad Ysera is back!!!

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I’ve been saying this. Dragonsworn as another mail class would be chef’s kiss.

I also think that Steam Warrior would be a cool class, but only if they did it well.

Personally, I don’t like when classes are tied too closely to racial identity. If someone really dislikes Elves… should they be forced to play one just so they can play Demon Hunter? It might sour their perception of the class, even if it would otherwise be a playstyle that they enjoy.

Or take Monk. It’s playable on virtually everything, but you cannot escape the Pandaria aesthetics. If you weren’t a fan of Pandaria aesthetically, you’re kind of screwed since all the specs lean into it heavily.

Same can be said for a Steam Warrior / Tinker / Tinkerer / Engineer / whatever else. I’m personally a fan of goblins, but I completely understand if others aren’t. Even if they were to broaden the racial selection beyond goblins and gnomes, would it truly suit the others?

That is a big reason why I support Dragonsworn as well. It would fit literally any race. Some might be a little odd, like Void Elf and Lightforged who already have an innate source of power, but it would work for any of them regardless. Particularly if they go for the angle of you being a playable dragon outright - take whatever mortal form you desire.

Yeah - I don’t think a dragonsworn would be a playable dragon - that doesn’t make sense really. BUT dragonsworn as a class is just w a i t i n g to be done.

And I think Steam Warrior would fit many races - obviously it would start with and have ties to goblins/gnomes, but there are some really awesome mechanics of all races in WoW.

They better have a ranged DPS spec, we literally haven’t got a new ranged DPS spec since Vanilla and we even lost one when they made Survival melee.

If it can Dwarf, I’m in!

Okay, I’m in if it can’t Dwarf, but it’ll be Gnome of Kul’Tiran…or maybe Worgen.

There will be no new class, as there will be no new expac. Blizzard has cleaned the bowl and licked the spoon when it comes to fresh engaging gameplay and storylines. They will probably recycle the cata villain next.

I think steam warrior, bard, and dragonsworn, all the most likely next classes IMO, could easily have a ranged spec.

Isn’t DH and Druid the only 2 non dwarf classes? Also dwarf druids when? Coulda swore there was lore of wildhammer druids back in cata, we get wildhammer customisation and yet I aint seeing y’all ram form.