Still waiting for my Dwarf Druid, and yes, there are Wildhammer Druids in lore. My current Alliance Druid is a Kul’Tiran, which is as close as I can get, for now.
To honest, I really don’t care if there are ever Dwarf Demon Hunters; which I doubt there ever will be. I have no love for the class and do not find it fun. The glide is the only part I enjoy and that’s what engineering is for.
Yeah I still feel like most race/class restrictions should be removed. DH is a special case but other than that most races should be able to be most classes. I can see no gnome or undead druids (tho kul tiran are death druids?). No undead/void elf pallys. But for th emost part all race/classes. There is no logical reason that a stormwind human with almost 2 decade close relationship with night elves never once said “being a druid might be neat”. And you can’t say our toons are generic members of our race. That might’ve flown in classic but now we’re the champion/maw-walker. I think we’re exceptional.
This. The game will ALWAYS be imbalanced. But at least they can bring in new and interesting ideas until the apocolypse permanently shuts down the internet in 2099.
But in all honesty, I enjoy getting entirely new thematics to go with new avenues of gameplay. There are a few elements of the fourth spec concepts that pique my interest (such as bringing back 2H Shaman, or Rogues getting a Blademaster spec), but there’s only one iteration that would have me clamouring for them over a new class: the return of the Support role.
If Blizzard embraced the support role as a full bore addition to the trinity, and decided that they didn’t want to “convert” existing specs to that role, I would love to see Support specs added to the classes it would make sense on.