Next class leaked!

To be honest ,their is too much relationship with death being the theme .Why so much concern that someone would want fel death soul stealing casting and would that be in different spec of the same? That would be boring especially when it shares with warlocks,shadow priest and alike?

Bard could work.

straps on rocket boots



Tinker / Artificer isn’t cringe! You fight with the powers of Light and Dark. Mainly dark you evil void-elf.

I just want to take on the world with my mind and a gun. A really… really big gun.

How, though? Without a dedicated support role?

At what point are just titling an unrelated class “Bard”? It’s a loaded word in the RPG world.

You’re incredibly narrow minded if you can only see bard as a buff/debuff support class. I play a game where druid does that bad bard can’t do that really. Support role exists in that game and bards don’t do it. They head and deal damage using the power of music. Closest to “support” they have could still be considered heals is a song that reeduces damage by by like 30% or something to the party in range.

So it’d have at least 2 specs. Heal, and dps. Support role is irrelevent. Paladins classically were support in RPGs and yet they work in wow fine.

Also abrds in wow are almost nothing like bards in other games. They tend to be rock and hardcore rather than melodic travelers. Look at ETC in heroes of the storm.

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You can call it a Bard. But it isn’t a Bard.

Every game can have their own take on a theme. Bards are defined by music not their role. Or by your definition WoW paladins are not actual paladins because they don’t worship a god/any gods and don’t support for shizza. Shamans don’t usually hit things with sticks. Priests and paladins without gods? What?!?!?! Mages that can’t heal? Skinny friendly trolls? This game does a LOT of unique things. Doesn’t mean that it isn’t somehow not the thing. The concept of a fantasy support bard is made up. Blizzard can make up their own version of bard too and already had. Wasn’t ETC in Wc3 or am I insane? I know it’s been in WoW since at least TBC I don’t know about classic.

You don’t get to arbitrarily decide what isn’t or isn’t a thing. You’re ideas aren’t even from D&D because D&D is all about freedom that video games don’t or can’t have. If you wanna be an evil bard assassin who tortures people with music you can be. You’re 100% basing your description of bard on a more or less dead game that WoW burried a long time ago.

A class that uses music in combat? Sounds like a bard to me.

Ok but how the HECK did you get that name? and do you have it on live too?

Only on Classic, reserved it before launch. Unfortunately don’t have it on Retail, but I have 2 different versions of it. Llore and Løre.

Honestly I’d love bard just for it’s RP elements. Since it’s arrival would probably add various instruments being possible weapons and could be mogged as well as the whole music theme as well. Though I know that it is probably one of the most lame and generic classes people want to most people

Nothing is more lame and generic than a warrior. Yet we have one of those.

Been there. Done that.

From 2001 until the 2004 WoW start, I played an MMO called DAOC (one of the big 3). “Bard” was one of the playable classes.

Every PvP group (of 8, not 5) had a bard in it. Why? Because your PvP group could run a lot faster with bards (no mounts in DAOC). Lots of players had 2 accounts, and their 2d account bard joined their PvP group on auto-follow.

I never met anyone who actually PLAYED a bard. They were weak healers and substandard melee fighters.

It was the same with Wardens. A properly specced Warden had the best group buffs in the game. And they didn’t have to be near the rest of the group. Park your 2d-account Warden in the right PvP zone, buff and forget.

Mistcaller Ocarina - Item - World of Warcraft ( added confirmation.

Hard disagree.

There are multiple musical instruments that you can use as weapons in-game. By your logic, Bards are already playable in all but name.

Bolded part is the design flaw. Not the existence of the support class at all.

I’ve been waiting for the Bard class since 2004 - Tinkers can get rekt.

Gross, both can get “rekt”

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Good thing you don’t define things.

No class uses music to fight. Priest has one ability divine hymm that uses music. That’d it. That’s like saying demon hunters were playable because rogues had evation. Hitting something with an axe shaped liek a guitar doe snot make a guitar. MUSIC does.

But yeah we get it. You’re old school and you have a HUGE broner for old school games that are long dead and ignore the countless games in which bards don’t exist in the more or less defunct support role for the modern rpg. Almost no one LIKED the support role. Which is why bards don’t do that anymore. Also why paladins don’t do that anymore. Try again.