Next class leaked!

Even the dead has standards.

We don’t need hunting horns in wow

Only if we can play the music ourselves. Sans undertale theme forever

As far as Bards go, the Hunting Horn is a solid implementation.

I so hope this happens! My WoW life will be complete if I can main a bard.

I’ve never understood wanting to attack with magical sound from a lute or harp.

The appeal isn’t attacking with an instrument.

It’s inspiring your teammates through song, making them more effective in their roles, and demoralizing your enemies causing the inverse.

Which is a style of gameplay not supported by WoW, so I don’t understand the desire for it here.

And then attacking them with an instrument.

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Tinkers overlap with engineering

I for one would like to see a bard, finally a class that is believable for gnomes, though I think dwarves would be better bards as they have beards and who doesn’t like a bearded bard, but the best would, of course, be elves as we are the best at everything, even in undeath we make the best undead. So, bring on the bards!

Would be very nice if they could play a tune that kind of reminds one of each of the races, kind of like how the tavern music is different for many of the first WOW races, I’d hope they let every race have a bard, you can’t convince me that it doesn’t make sense not to

I’ve never understood a class who’s whole thing is having no magical or special abilities besides getting angry and wacking things.

Death knight and shaman overlap with enchanting.

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honestly id go for a heal,dps Ranged, and a buff/debuff class that a little heals/dps and back up but buffs the team and debuffs the enemies.

Play Brutal Legend and get back to me.

Reminder that bard and tinker are still cringe, necromancer is one of the better options and “overlap” is always almost a dead straw man argument.

And mage overlaps with enchanting.

Using a skill to make goods and services and using a skill to kill people are two very different things.


A Tinker venturing into a dungeon to kill monster doesn’t overlap with an engineer looking for scraps to put together a pair of goggles.

hmm,a soul healer that would be interesting. James brown would rock again :grinning:

Look at the expansion we’re in now, though. Methinks the ship for a Necromancer/Death-themed class has sailed.

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