Next class leaked!

Hah! I actually found the old thread I made on the topic over a year ago: The Support Role

No, fortitude is support. Priests, overall, are not, because fortitude is only a tiny bit of what priests do. There isnā€™t a WoW class that revolves around providing fortitude and similar things.

If fortitude, arcane intellect, battle shout, hero, curses, poly, mana tide, windfury totem and a bunch of other support abilities were all on the SAME class INSTEAD of that class being a tank, healer or DPS, that would be a ā€œsupport classā€. Not a class with 1-2 support abilities, but a class that fully revolves around them.

Other MMOs have had classes like that (including both EQ and FFXI bards). WoW does not.

Given that both EQ and FFXI were already out before WoW, I always assumed this was a deliberate decision by the WoW devs, most likely because too few people enjoy support-focused classes compared to how damn useful they are to have in your group (read: for any difficult content you MUST have one, or multiple for raids).

I always interpreted it to be about enhancing your weapons, which is why I loved the Legion redesign. Apply and forget flametongue isnā€™t as interesting (even though, technically, Legion flametongue was a maintenance buff, which people generally hate, probably why they re-redesigned it for SL). But, like I said above, that is because I believed the devs had already decided not to have true supports in WoW.

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Enhancing your allies was equally important as enhancing yourself when the game first launched. They transitioned it entirely to enhancing the self, though, which kind of killed the fantasy. Doesnā€™t every class enhance themselves?

Why do you say few people played them? Of my 7 years playing EQ I donā€™t recall it but again I played these kinds of classes. So it would never seem scarce to me.

Being a musician doesnā€™t mean a musician should be a class. There are also cheese and fruit venders and yet we do not have a cheese or fruit vender class.

I swear to sweet baby jesus if they make a bard class I will reroll SO HARD AND FAST lmao

Iā€™d prefer the class to be some sort of performer class.
3 specs.
Dancer- melee healers. with strong cc.
Dancers could distract enemies. Would channel different songs during battle and their melee attacks would heal allies. Kind of like a disc priest but with melee instead. Would feel like a light weight paladin with lots of movement skills. dashes that heal allies that they pass over and a dash that harms enemies.

Singers- singers are your pure healing class. chanting old stories that inspire allies to get off their butts and fight fight fight.

Chanters- DPS spec. Chanters use bows and sing their songs from a distance. they would have off healing and a crit chance buff. shoot sound themed arrows like sonic arrow. use of songs to slow the enemy down.

the core class would have acess to songs songs are channeled skills that enhance the allies within them.
their would be a dps song(crit buff) a defense song. A speed boost song. and a song to slow enemies.

they would feel like lightweight paladins that focused on physical attacks and use their songs to distract, bolster, harm, and heal.

Using Ragnarok Online as a guide, Bard would be amazing. In RO, they use bows and guitars, whilst the Gypsy counterparts used bows and whips. They each had singular attack and buff skills, but also performed ā€˜ensembleā€™ skills when in the same party that were amazing.

Some examples:
Solo skills (buff variety) : haste, and healing, sleep, speed reduction, etc.
Ensemble skills: increase exp of entire party, reduce or eliminate consumable requirements, create barriers, or create a zone wherein no AOE could be used, increase crit, def, damage of certain weapons, and resistances.

Both Bard & Gypsy had skills (could be talents) that allowed them to utilize a simple attack even while ā€˜playing an ensemble skillā€™. Gypsies were indispensable in PvP for their AOE stun spell, whilst the Bard had an AOE freeze spell called ā€˜Frost Jokerā€™ (heā€™d tell a joke and freeze certain people) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Why, though? Iā€™m legitimately curious. For the name alone? Because you cannot replicate a Bardā€™s role or general gameplay in WoW.

Why would a bard wear mail?

You try playing an instrument (especially guitars or similarly strung instruments) in a heavy, movement restricting coat? It sucks. Now try doing so in some heavy armour.

Bards should be cloth/leather.

Yes, we need a mail class but it doesnā€™t make a lot of sense for bards.

I dig music yo. And a snarky roguelike musical gal sounds fun to roleplay in WoW, as my DnD group moved. I have one of every class and really enjoy roleplay and different styles of gameplay. Honestly, reroll is probably the wrong term, as an altoholic, and honestly, with that said, I would just like more classes in general, or specs added to classes.

Like a healing Warlock [like celestial in DnD] or healing mage or even tanking shaman or something. Idk, I like multiple roles and classes. Itā€™s a lot for the devs to balance though, I definitely get that.

To be fair I do this in all games where classes are available.

Tbf feral druids play 90% how they have since wrath.

Not every class needs a radical rework every expansion.

I do wish we could summon 4 totems again.

Those ninny bards get laid more than you could ever comprehend. Even thinking about it would drive you mad with envy.

Iā€™m not saying they do. But they need more than "weā€™ll get to them in later patches,"like weā€™ve heard before.

WoW uses the holy trinity model.

Doubt theyā€™ll be blocked. Just wonā€™t have a class hall. Easy. Remove those quests. You can still do the levelling zones, broken shore, argus.

Iā€™m not envious of stdā€™s :stuck_out_tongue:

Bards are immune.

lies and slander!

Also youā€™re deadā€¦