Next class leaked!

Sounds like progression of the pre-CU SW:G system.


That’s more because people really wanted to confuse them with Diablo’s Demon Hunter for some reason, despite the fact that the two have never been anything like each other and there was no precedence for Diablo-esque DHs in Warcraft.

Well they do have the exact… same… name… Plus we have never had a class with only 2 specs and it was pretty obvious that DH wouldn’t heal, so a ranged spec was the only logical solution until they went out of the box with just 2 specs.

What if… they do BOTH?

Don’t read into it too much, it’d be a “hero class” if anything for a expac then nerfed into oblivion like dks and dhs.

A bard class that wears mail would be cool. The main bard part would be their healing spec and the could have maybe three choices of musical instruments.

If not healing, they should be a buccaneer that uses a handgun and 1hand weapon or can use a two handed gun/bow as a sniper. Or is a tank with with a board and one handed. It would be a cross between rogue and hunter, but no pet and a unique healing spec that plays music. A few vocal buffs could be available in other specs, but no lutes or harps unless healing.

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It can stay in that dead game then


I’m firmly camp tinker but I’d take bard.

Still better than necromancer

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Why would they wear armour at all?

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Funnily enough, it isn’t dead.

I think it’s on its 30th expansion or something like that.

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Has less people playing than RuneScape 3

It’s dead enough

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But only after 2 years of an otherwise currently dull expansion.

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lol i hope its bard and their buffs absolutely wreck class balance across the board.

its crazy how blind this community (lol oops i said the word) is with adding fun toys wrecking the integrity of the game.

do we need more classes and specs when the balance is already a constant issue? This game has TONS of classes as it is…

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Far from being dead friend.

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I could see priest 2 heals 1 dps.

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Yeah suck a pickle and drown you Alliance scum :wink:

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That’s hot…

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I’m already a bard. Sexually speaking anyways. My next big money maker will be replacing all the race with the financially superior half goblins and take over azeroth. Anyways there isn’t a race on or off azeroth I won’t reproduce with, Half old god? Half venthyr? Half Draenei? Half Sayaad? Half Arroaka? Half Titan? Yep… they’re all gonna be goblins.

If they do either, we’ll see a civil war.

And to me… both are dumb.

I also don’t want anymore classes. They don’t even have time to work on all of the ones we currently have.

People have said this since before DKs were added.