Next class leaked!

Why didn’t Blizz give us Bard’s during or after Cata? We even had a quest line in Twilight Highlands.

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Are you really this gullible? That’s just a quest from Revendreth.

People will believe anything…

This is the NPC that gives it:

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I would just like to remind everyone that Vanilla wow had a Demon Hunter literally on the back of the box and it took them like 14 years to put them in the game. Quest text doesn’t mean much to me. What I mean is, do not hold your breath.


We’ve also had an Orc Druid sitting in Warspear since WoD… and essentially did the Allied Race quests for Dragonmaw Orcs, Wildhammer Dwarves, Hozen, Jinyu, and a dozen other options years ago.

So yeah. What you said.

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Under the traditional way of defining roles, maybe? Its likely an antiquated balance metric since Rift, PoE etc… PnP paradigms for roleplaying games are stuck in many older consumers’ heads, so the branding of these things is a handy thing for devs

Specs mix it up considerably - ask your Demonblade Tanks and Priest DPS.

Classes are more flavor which is why Tinker gets any discussion.


PLEASE let Orcs be bards…

So i can make a Bardbarian…


I liked Rift too but I saw gamers want to play all the things…so…here we are.

Not enough traditionalists quit across most mmos, wow included, when they blurred role lines.


I hear your frustration.

My favorite role in Classic was spamming FF as a druid.

Nothing beats a perfectly timed kick from a rogue, etc

Most wont notice, who cares? By choosing “support”, you take a little pressure off worrying about meters and can just zerg along.

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takes bard’s harp

slices cheese log


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Bards would probably step on the toes of other class ideas. Priest hymns come to mind. I think we are closer to having blood wizards than we are bards.

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we dont have unending breath like you girl

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Have they ever added a class mid-expansion? If this happen it will be for the next one… in at least 2 years. RIP

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I’d prefer a Bard specialization that does not incorporate an instrument, music, or singing. I’d hope for a master orator who inspires compatriots to success on the battlefield.

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If this is true, I’m disappointed. So many other classes they could of gone with, a music playing class just doesn’t fit the Warcraft fantasy to me. Boooo

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I was playing me Fae harp in the AH trying to take an SS for a friend and within minutes there was a line of us as more joined in

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If so i hope the DPS spec is atleast ranged. PLEASE Not another new melee class.

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Make it a World skill-line, you know similar to Undaunted, Psijic Order, Vampire, Werewolf and ledgerman… As well, make it so you can pick up the skill line after a series of quests from the Bard’s College in Solitude… Oops, wrong game.


another priest-like class with 2 support specs/1 dps spec (and 1 dps spec that doesnt apply to all races ie tauren/draenei/nelf) the fact we havent seen any other classes with a setup like priest is very telling. shaman should have been that with enhancement acting like a buffer spec all around and earthbound or w.e youd wanna call it being that fabled tanking spec