Next Allied Races? 8.2? 8.3?

Someone said Sethrallis uses a different model. If it is different, it’s very subtle.

You’re right. But they still have the best chance based on evidence and what we have in the game already and I feel like no one realizes that.

If you consider only what is in the game right now, I can agree. But I’m also considering what we know of development resources being spent on the background as well as future storylines we are aware of. In-game data and Blizzcon content point to junker gnomes having a lot of attention being given to them, for instance, while the Sethrak seem be mostly ignored.

But Sethrallis is a specific NPC, it’s not like there are generic female guards or anything like that around.

I may be wrong about it, sure, but the point is that we got very little so far, so I’m avoiding any hope for now.

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To expand on what Alamara said about Sethralis being a specific NPC. Sethralis’ model is very likely its own thing, as in its not built to player model specifications and thus isn’t easily re-purposed as a female model for general use. It’s almost a certainty that if Blizzard wants to make Sethrak a full fledged player race, the females will need to be built from the ground up.

Why would they even bother giving Sethraliss her own female model then? The differences are so subtle they could have gone without. That makes no sense to me.

It’s obvious sethrak had the groundwork for an allied race (heart of azeroth, player capes tabards geosets, etc) and had their progress encrypted a long while ago. They would have been worked on this whole time.

It’s fine to doubt, I’d actually attribute that to Blizzard doing a good job of keeping their plans secret. But there’s a lot of subtle clues if you know where to look.

Same reason Vorrik or Korthek have their own models. Because they are named NPCs.

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Agreed. So they DO have a female model ready to be used, it’s just not integrated with the whole race yet.

Unless they add another neutral race along with the other 4.

That’s like saying the nightborne were “ready to be used” because they were present in Legion. No, those models were for NPCs, and Blizzard had to remake playable nightborne models from scratch for BfA.

Same with vulpera: they had clear NPC models in alpha, which were then replaced by new, way more complex, models that are almost player-quality. The same would need to be done for Sethrak.

It’s not so simple to take a NPC model and make it playable (the opposite, however, is way simpler).

Caos Elfs says hello to you. They even appeared in Legion, but there they are. Blizzard created they at last moment.
To put Vulperas as allied race, all they need to do is a quest line to justify, creating a reason for them join.

After all crazy lore decision they made since Legion, no one should doubt what Blizzard can do about it. They do what is most convenient for gameplay purposes.

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Wireframe and textures etc are different. Also, I’m saying any progress on the sethrak has been purposefully hidden from us. So you’re right that we don’t see the same amount if polish as the vulpera but that’s because Blizzard wisened up to us datamining their allied races. A lot can be explained by assuming the vulpera were worked on first since they had a bigger storyline in 8.0

/sips snake wine

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Using the established formula of what an “allied race” is, I think most of the remaining choices are fairly obvious.

Gnomes - Mechagon Gnomes. Pretty obvious choice. Almost a 100% chance of this being the case.

Worgen - Night Elf Worgen. The available options for other versions of Worgen are a bit slim. The primary un-tapped source of non-Gilnean worgen that we don’t already know about are the Night Elf Worgen currently in the Emerald Dream. We even heal a few of them in Legion (if you played a Balance druid during Legion). Just add a few new customization options, and bam, new race.

Undead - Sanlayn/Night Elf undead/Dark Rangers. There’s a few variations to play with here, but these three seem like the safest bets. Lightforged Undead are also possible, but probably a bit unlikely.

Goblin - Gilgoblins/Vulpera. Granted, Vulpera kinda go against the basic outline of what allied races are supposed to be, but the only other option are the Gilgoblins, which I also find kinda unlikely. The popularity with the playerbase DOES seem to give Vulpera an edge in this case, though.

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as per blizzard and ion words, allied races can be anything, they are not just sub-races or parental races, but races that make sense to join

They said anything with 2 legs are considered, and this x race >x.2 allied race, is not something that is obligated to happen

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Did you all forget Aysa and Ji Firepaw being in the Embassies?

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we might see the odd one crop up each side per expansion, if not every second one, but i doubt they want to add an excessive amount of allied races to the game. it just turns races into something bland, almost meaningless, when a game has an excessive amount of them.

the bonus for wow is the way they implemented them, so a new player isn’t slapped in the face with a wall of races. so they can get away with a bit more that way.

Void elves may have been created to be an allied race but:

There are clearly enough to have one in each squad invading Drazalor. Not to mention the small army of them that showed up during the battle of lorderon. I’d say their population is pretty decent if their that expendable.

And they bring better teleportation abilities and more arcane mastery to the alliance. Not to mention all the secrets of the void and some control over the void.

Vulpera don’t have anything to offer us. They are a small group of nomads who don’t even have a military or even a militia. They aren’t going to be the next allied race.


They are good at scrounging supplies and other useful things on the field.

Having 1 for each unit or platoon would make keeping them supplied way easier.

You underestimate the use the Vulpera could bring.


Honestly I think nearly every race is going to have it’s own variety.
The Night Elves have Nightborn Allied Races
The Blood Elves have the Void Elves
The Orcs have Mag’har
The Trolls have Zandari
The Humans have Kul’Tirans
Taurens have Highmountain Tauren
The Draenei have Lightforged.
The Dwarves have Dark Iron

Hence leaving Gnomes, Goblins, Worgens, Pandas, Forsaken without any. Whether they will be the same side probably depends (Only reason Nightborn/Void Elves are on seperate actions is so the Horde can have fancy Night Elves and the Alliance can have “Blood” Elves. If we leave the Pandas out for a moment, that does leave two for each side, maybe it will be at the end of the expansion or the beginning of the next.

No clue what their allied races would be though. Feral Worgen? Leper/Mechanic Gnomes? Or a new one completely.

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Vorrik and Korthek are just using the generic sethrak models, there’s nothing special about either one of them.

I think the biggest reason they gave Sethraliss her own model is because she’s a loa, and those are pretty important to Zandalar’s story.

Sure, they could have dressed up a male sethrak in her bikini, or just had Sethraliss be male, but the differences are so subtle that they couldn’t have taken that much time to make.

With Alliance exclusively meeting a race of “deep jinyu” in Nazjatar, and junker gnomes having new, unique hairstyles and features, it seems sadly unlikely to me that sethrak will be anything more than BFA’s arakkoa or drogbar.

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Isn’t the gear of Vorrik and Korthek unique?
Kinda like Talyssra, Valtrois and other nightborne NPCs, they have unique models, but there are a few very similar nightborne NPCs, varying only parts or colors of their gear.

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