[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

May I ask what exactly you’re seeing for DH? Havoc literally has nothing new added. We already have Immolation Aura.


VDH primarily relying less on spikes/immo to work, it’s not really a havoc rework

Can you please make it so survival can choose between 1 handers and 2 handers as well?


I mean, those are minor changes when being compared to classes getting 5+ abilities, talent re-works, and new abilities all together.

I know this isn’t final, but DH got shafted at the moment. The spec needs more depth and choices. As it stands, there’s ONE cookie cutter spec to follow in 90% of all situations.


First thought I had when I saw that.
Atleast for transmog id love it, if they were to give us choices again…idk what id do, maybe throw a party xD

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True, but compared to some other specs both VDH and havoc are in decent places. I say this as someone that’s been practically maining for the last patch. That said… furious gaze needs to be baseline for havoc to not be completely garbage in the new patch. Ditto Revel in pain and hour of reaping for VDH.

I think this could have been achieved without destroying class spec identity. For example, Holy priests currently have a ‘holy-style’ version of Shadow Word: Pain, Holy Fire. This is a lazy alternative…


I am not sure about the Restoration Druid change. I will have to test it out to see if I like it. Also, maybe bringing back permanent Tree of Life form, and make the ToL form we have now talented (like it is currently). Just my two copper.

I’m eagerly awaiting some sort of announcement about shadowpriests returning to the old shadowform, by glyph at the very least. Come on, Blizz! Please make me happy! :heart_eyes:


Being in a decent place NOW is not the same as being in a good place in Shadowlands. That’s the issue. Also, being able to Tank/DPS well isn’t the same as having a fun and engaging class/spec/rotation. Look at our talents and see how many are simply never touched or used. Some that need to be baked in to the spec all together. Look at our Azerite Traits that NEED to be made passives.

Furious Gaze is just a nerfed version of the Legion legndary, but we’ve had it for 2 expansions in a row. It’s obvious we need it. Demonic needs to be baseline to free up a choice to Momentum, Nemesis, and something else. There’s just so much about DHs that could be better. We need Artifact traits back. Why was our Artifact ability taken away?

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Cries in Holy Word: Tears after reading that priests won’t be the only ones (aside from Hati?) to be able to vanish these bubbles.

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Bleed mastery for arms feels really bad and out of place


I was hoping rogues would get Gouge back for assassination, more CC!!!

Give Windwalker healing winds back and remove vivify!

That’s single biggest change the spec needs to be as fun as it was. Vivify makes no sense for a fast paced, button rotating, mobile spec like WW.


Please bring back Gust of Wind for Shamans, one of the most fun abilities in Legion.

Enhance looks like it might be an overcomplicated cluttered mess tbh… so many abilities and buffs to manage, it looks a bit too much.

Please give all healers combat rez for mythic+ so we don’t have another expansion of Resto Druid at 45-70%+ representation in high keys while specs like Resto Shaman and Holy Priest are at 1-4%… thank you.

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For Mages who want to watch the world burn, the cooldown reduction provided by Kindling is increased, allowing the Mage to get their Combustion back faster for maximum critical-strike goodness.

Just reading this made me chuckle. I think someone likes Batman.

Always the worry… for everybody sadly. I’m well aware of the effects of that given that my long term main is this afflock and I was having a ton of fun on sub rogue in legion… then BFA gutted both.

Yep very concerned but we won’t know until alpha sadly, that’s true of all classes and specs unfortunately.

Honestly? Demonic is the only thing that increases the skill cap on havoc, correctly taking advantage of it can massively improve DPS. So yes it should be baseline.

Amen, but for all classes, not just DHs. I miss so much from artifacts.

“After much consideration, we’ve concluded we used to be much better at this.” --Blizz on class design

j/k obv


Eh, the DH artifact ability was just doubling down in their AoE focus, didn’t really bring anything new or interesting to DH.

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