[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

Speaking as a fairly casual player, Voidform and Insanity don’t feel great. I don’t know what the ‘fix’ or alternative could be, I just know I do not enjoy the back and forth of it.


The fix is going back to the Orb style SPriest that everyone loved so much. A majority of the SPriest I run into that played back then said it was the best iteration of SPriest.


Demo needs allot of help. please stop by the forum sub section to see what key issues they have. same with destro and affy…

Not a chance will I be supporting Destro getting help. Aff and Demo on the other hand… thats a different story.

2h Enhancement should be viable option again, please dont restrict abilities to 1h only forcing DW… Give us the option to do both

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Some reasonable feed back: 1. please Don’t just give one spec’s unique abilities to another and call this “unpruning”, for one thing nothing was given to SV at all (definitely not unpruning anything there) and both SV and MM are gonna be getting BM’s pets in their totality, which is taking away our very spec identity especially since MM doesn’t benefit from pets with it’s lone wolf talents and self buffing passives. 2. actually unprune things which are useful to and iconic for each class spec, stuff like Kill shot for classes is nice and all, but totems were about the only RP abilities/talents brought back which people actually liked, a Poll might be far more useful in these matters. and 3. If you’re going to make anything baseline make it something ALL specs benefit from and that makes sense, Black arrow already has mechanics for each spec, why would it NOT be made baseline? too many loose threads and odd changes with this “unpruning”.

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These changes are great and well In truly needed. But can warriors get stances back again. It gave warriors so much More utility. From being able to be a 3rd Raid tank in fury. To the arms stance dancing spec back in Cata. They were great fun! Made playing a warrior feel more like you were a master of all weapons.

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Yes feral gets barksin at the cost of survival instincts. So far really all i have seen for feral is nerfs not sure how you can see them as anything else as it will now be even harder to find m+ groups to take you as well as raids. Blizzard really seems to be removing feral from the game. The fixes they are implementing were never the issue for feral. The issue was utility that had to compete against rogues or demon hunters. Rouges mass cloak and Demon hunters strong single and aoe damage along with darkness as well as magic damage buff. Yes feral brings a brez but so do many other specs that would be preferd. That being said feral brings the worst brez in the fact that it is the only spec of druid that has to come out of form to cast it(Still haven’t been given an explanation for this). Only spec that may have it worse then feral could be windwalker. Though i say that knowing theres already memes out there about feral for shadowlands and the alpha has just started. Pretty bad when your the joke of an xpac before the xpac is even out

Offering feed back for feral seems pretty pointless cant remember when it seemed like they were actually listening to feral feedback they seem to always already have there mind set when it comes to the spec.

Would almost like to see a post by blizz saying why they think the spec is fine what they see are weakness/strengths would at least give people some idea of why they are doing what they are doing.

As of now feral druid players seem to be almost universally disappointed and concerned over what they are doing. As like I said above they don’t seem to see what ferals actual problem is. I also like to say there is no blizzard employee that mains feral which is why they constantly mess up the spec every xpac and have to later fix it. Did it in Legion did in Bfa Had to do sgnificant buffs in Warlords even.

When BfA came out I could barely handle 3 mobs while my brother on his windwalker would just run in take on 5 to 6 mobs no problem and I’m already reading people saying the same thing about feral in shadowlands can barely handle 3 mobs while others can just fine.

I get to wound up over this stuff really need to stop visint the forums not like any devs really read them anyway. They have already said they usually look at other sites more often

I hope they literally burn the current MM to the ground and start over or roll back to something before WoD maybe.

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What is wrong with MM? or the changes to mm?

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IMO - MM has felt dead since at least the Legion prepatch


i hope Druid Feral got Leader of the Pack baseline

Pathfinder is the polar opposite of “player choice”. Flying conveys huge benefits. Do you do WQ’s, gathering, etc. etc. Flying conveys huge benefit to players. There is only on way to get it–you must play the game in a very specific (just read it man) way over and over to aquire it. It is the most heavy-handed play it our way system in any game at any time.


They need to fix SV then. I miss my ranged SV hunter like crazy.


Wow, there’s barely even a paragraph for restoration shamans, and literally half of it says is earthshield is baseline instead of a talent.

At this point I don’t even know why I remotely wonder if blizzard even cares about the state of shamans.


you must be a new fury warrior

I agree man. I toughed out the initial part one pathfinder in BFA. Stopped playing, then came back to find out I had to do it all over again, with two new reps! being forced, to quest in Nazjatar (which is an absolute nightmare with a ground mount) is enough to make anyone stop playing.


I am deeply concerned with the future state of feral druids in Shadowlands, based on what those testing them are currently saying. Among the primary complaints:

  • Lack of melee utility
  • Survival issues (though giving survival instincts back seems to have helped just a little)

I disagree with the community in large, however, on the issue of the Sabertooth talent, and would be extremely disappointed if it were to get removed or modified.

i mean i guess you can take it personally.
no rebuttal means you know i’m right.
would you rather i hit you with the classic, ‘sucks to suck’?
you be quiet, sir