[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

I’ve been a ret main since wotlk, and IM going frost dk

Hope blizzard is happy with making bad changes. Im already disappointed for preordering this expansion. It doesnt look like its worth playing the game anymore with these devs. Id rather blizzard make a completely different game with the mist of pandarea playstyle for demonology and continue up to the current expansions with mist of pandarea talent and spell system because shadowlands is garbage at the moment

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The changes to priest look good. Mind Soothe could be very interesting depending on how Priest fits into the m+ meta. Surrender to Madness was amazing and so much fun in the first 2 raid tiers of Legion, and the “twist” solves some of the downsides, especially in m+.

I really like the overall theme and goals for the changes. This is very encouraging!!

Man I was really looking forward to maining my Prot Paladin going into Shadowlands, but after seeing that holy power is going to go to all 3 specs I immediately just feel sick to my stomach. Prot is in such a good spot right now, sure it could use some number boosts to compete with some of the big boys in M+, but the gameplay and how it feels to play is just so satisfying, and I feel that holy power is going to ruin it.


While we’re thinking about “unpruning” stuff, what are the odds we can get claws of shirvallah back for feral druids? At least as a cosmetic option, i.e. glyph

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Oof. I don’t like this. Revert the GCD changes if you’re adding all this stuff to our bars.

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Reading the blog post, I noticed this under brewmasters:

Blackout Kick (previously called Blackout Strike)

Blackout Strike has one of my favorite staff animations on pandaren. Would it be possible to make Blackout Kick/Blackout Strike interchangeable, based on which type of weapon we have equipped, rather than completely replacing the staff ability with the kick?

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It’s weird too since we still have Sabertooth. So this change means we have a slightly different opener and otherwise our general rotation is much much simpler since we won’t be using BT to snapshot our Rakes or finishers. I’m not sure what their goal was with the new Bloodtalons but whatever it is, I’m not on board.

Also don’t take Suvival Instincts. :frowning:

Extra thought for Paladins, why not bring back Blessings as baseline? Those were pretty huge. Would be nice to see them return to the old method of being for the whole raid, but they would be nice baseline even if they still have “1 person per blessing”

Blessing of Might - Can be similar to battle shout. Alternatively, it can be a single apply buff that gives 10% AP on top of battle shout if you want to go with the current meta of “1 person per blessing”
Blessing of Wisdom - unchanged
Blessing of Kings - Could be unchanged. Would be pretty cool if it was more like the older one.
Blessing of Salvation - Needs a rework now obviously, in line with making people less “noticeable” - maybe it could reduce area damage or something. This one doesn’t fit as well with “one person per blessing”

I’m sure it’s unlikely, because I can’t imagine it wasn’t already internally proposed, but I’d love to see Blessings again as a holy pally.


If they gave survival DW option, I’d switch in a heartbeat. I HATE the stupid two-hander animations in general, which is why I normally flock to 1-hand specs.

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I played a Combat Rogue when I wasn’t playing my Survival Hunter, so I understand the frustration with the Cowboy spec. At least it was still melee (mostly) though.

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From a certain point of view, but not for frost mages

They were very clear in their “We don’t really want you playing Demo” video that they didn’t like the class design there. They wanted to make it simpler before they improved the DPS (bad mindset, but that’s what Ion said). IMHO, you should be rewarded for playing a difficult class.

Any possibility of holy paladins getting denounce back? I always enjoyed being able to have at least one offensive spell that wasn’t tied to a gcd and it felt more immersive for the class as mastering holy energy for both offense and defense abilities.

No thanks. Keep Surv melee oriented. Thanks

I hope survival goes back to ranged. Why i rerolled in legion (and sub ending here in couple months), i played ranged class for ranged spec and it was my most fav spec in game. Full revert of rsv pre wod would make me resub quick.


Oh christ, there’s weapon stones. Hellllllllllllllllllll no, keep that classic garbage out of retail.


They ought to revert a lot of things to legion if I’m being honest, it was the second biggest prune/modification period for abilities after post MoP.

Please return the old Discipline gameplay similar to the way it was before atonement… Atonement healing has been awkward and clunky for PvE ever since it was first introduced in Cata. I’d also kill for the old Penance and Divine Aegis visuals back!

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No thanks. Return Survival to being Range.

You do know there is more specs that is Malee than there is of range (Not including healing or tank specs)