[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

Warrior Specific Concerns

I’m really struggling to see the benefit of trying to insert slam into the fury rotation. Fervor of Battle is a pretty snooze talent for arms anyway, and trying to copy that over to fury is not accomplishing anything. Bringing identity with spell reflect and such is great! Make the damage rotations the same, not so much.

Also for Fury is that it was generally so well done in BfA (basically the only spec I can say this about). I love that I’ll have spell reflect and intervene back, but I don’t care at all about using slam over what I have currently.

I’m also not sure I see much benefit to being able to use Shield Slam and Shield Block as all specs. I get that this throws back to early expansions, and is maybe iconic in some ways, but it just feels like it will be bloat that you’ll never use as a dps spec to me.


Was really hoping to see a mastery redesign, I don’t feel like Deep Wounds being so much of our damage has been great. Also miss the big abilities of arms feeling meaty.


i imagine people who do arena as a warrior will find more use for some of that stuff.

To me, slam is like the new HS. Even if it is rarely ever used, it is a fun way to squeeze out the extra damage.

The tank abilities are nice when the tank dies and you save the group.

i wonder if they did a poll about arms mastery if most of us would rather get rid of it. :stuck_out_tongue:

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This list of changes definitely has me feeling more confident about Shadowlands then the covenant abilities blog did. This list feels like the Dev team really listened to feedback about numerous classes and specs. I don’t play all of the classes, so I’ll only comment about the stuff I’m familiar with or have an interest in.

  • **Weapon Choice ** Happy to see brewmaster / windwalker / frost with weapon choices again! I’m kind of hoping that the Devs will take this one step further and add back dual wield blood and 1h / sword and board DPS warriors. The game doesn’t have enough specs that use 1H strength weapons.

  • Holy Power for All Paladins This made me SO happy. I miss the days of having holy power as protection, and the current system (Shield of the Righteous charges) is basically Holy Power but without the flavor anyway.

  • Sensible Talents Being Made Baseline I’m happy to see brainless talent choices like Wake of Ashes and Breath of Sindragosa being made baseline for all members of their respective classes.

  • Glimmer of Light Remains I’m also really happy to see that Blizzard didn’t toss the glimmer of light playstyle in Shadowlands. It was a fear of mine, and it’s nice to see that azerite trait (as well as empyrean power) being retained.


I wonder if you’ll actually be able to do that though I guess is my concern. There would have to be bigger changes there between tank/dps survival than just being able to throw on a shield for a bit of armor.

But I agree that could be cool if you could actually kinda tank that way like we could back in Vanilla or TBC.

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Looks dope. Really makes me what to return to my DK. But Warlock is tugging at my heart again. Sounds dope.

Volley is a new Talent that enables the Marksman Hunter to rain arrows down on a targeted area over a short period of time. It also empowers the Hunter with the Trick Shots buff, causing all their Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire abilities to ricochet and hit up to five additional targets for half the damage for the entire duration of Volley”

I bless the rains (of arrows) down in Azeroth

Now bring back execute abilities to tanks.

I miss having Execute on my prot warrior and soul reaper on my blood dk.
Also I miss outbreak on my blood dk.

Those warlock changes



Single… Minded… Fury… cries


you’re a filthy afflock aren’t you. :expressionless:

I mean I hope they go full WotLK. Lunar Eclipse gave Starfire an increased 40% chance to crit.

What we have now likely won’t be that, unfortunately. But it sounds like it’s getting there.

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What? No word on Voidform? Ridiculous.


I’m destro atm but I’ve always been fond of affliction

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it seems like it goes: aff op -> aff nerfed into the ground -> aff op, etc

Most of this list is just stuff we had a few years ago that was taken away from us and they’re giving it back again. Roughly half this list is comprised of core abilities that were ripped away from us and stuck into the talent tree, now ripped back out of the tree and shoved back into our faces.

No other mmo beats your class to death every expansion like WoW does. Very little has retained since I started playing, besides Arms warrior. When I look at shaman 6 years ago, 10 years ago, it’s a completely different game. It’s hard to get excited because these are mostly abilities we already had before and we should have retained. I’m also not enthusiastic because I know next expansion we’re gonna lose all this again.


Oh that’s just warlocks in general lol. We crave the nerfbat at this point

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So is dark pack a late April fools joke? I cant wait to use it and damage myself even more!

are we sure they know what dark pact actually does? 0.o

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