[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

To prepare for the fight ahead, all Hunters will have their stable size significantly increased to hold many companions including the new creatures they discover and tame in the ethereal wilds of the Shadowlands.

/happy clapping :grinning:

Now I probably won’t have to roll that extra hunter I was planning for SL :laughing:

inb4 you get 10 more slots. XD

Other commentary:

~SMF would be nice
~MoP Shadow priest, IMO would be more fun than current itteration
~New affliction looks like fun!
~Mark of the wild, pls!
~While I cannot comment on what gameplay is more fun, I think it is a loss for elemental to no longer specialize in lightning and earth shock. We already have fire mage and destro, don’t need a third one aesthetically?
~Mages look great!
~2h frost, huzzah!
~Auras for paladins are great. I would play one for auras alone if I enjoyed their rotation a little more!
~I like the philosophy on the warrior changes
~Rogues look amazing.


Can we add Soul Flame back to Affliction Locks passive abilities as well?

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How the hell did you guys think Destruction Warlocks didn’t deserve anything new? Give us embers back. Ember Tap for healing. Shadowburn as a baseline execute. The ability to cast incinerate while on the move. Rain of Fire no longer needing three ‘shards’ or embers to cast, wtf? Make Cataclysm both baseline and the big AoE nuke instead. Most importantly of all… THE PERMANENT FIRE AURA BUILDING UP AS YOU REACH MAX EMBERS!

How come ret Paladins get wake of ashes baseline from their old artifact weapon yet our portals mechanic is just deleted from the game?

Seriously? This is what you do for the class? The one class i was most looking forward to having some changes? It’s been such a dumpster spec to play ever since WoD came out are you really going to make me have to wait almost an entire decade to finally have fun on it again? This is what I spent all that time and hard work earning green fire for back in MoP? To be rewarded with irrelevancy, clunky boring gameplay mechanics? To feel like an outdated relic?

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FFS - AGAIN with Surrender to Madness? Stop trying to make StM happen - it isn’t going to happen. Why are you bringing this stupid trash talent back?


I literally said that man.

apparently they want all priests to heal at this point. raid as holy, WQ as disc. :expressionless:


In addition, Heart of the Wild has returned as a Talent, providing an option for Druids who want to use off-role abilities during combat.

I honestly forgot how much fun this talent was. Thank you for this. I’m really excited!

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I don’t even understand how it’s a new twist. This is what is was to begin with and everyone hated it so much they removed it lol. “Let’s just say it’s new. They won’t notice” - Blizz


What did you have in mind for “fix arms” ? I am curious what rework you would suggest.

i’d like it if arms mastery wasn’t a bleed and most of the dps would come from button presses.


Yeah, the one thing that makes the spec unique and challenges the player to hold their voidform.

i wanted to main swap to my orc priest this expansion but once i got him to 120 i realized that wasn’t a good idea. this after how they treated priests in the legion campaign. why don’t they just give everyone a free class change at this point.


What I liked about balance in wrath wasn’t the eclipse bar. I didn’t dislike it, but that wasn’t what I found fun about the spec. I loved starfall then (which it sounds like maybe they’re going back to the style of it) but I don’t see them drastically changing everything else so that balance can have a really fun bursty aoe for large packs of scattered mobs over a large area, but we also had hurricane for sustained aoe. Such a change would necessitate severely dampening their single target and cleave as it is built now. That said, I wouldn’t hate a change back to eclipse either, but the devil is in the details that we’re, understandably, not getting right now.

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I’m hoping most if not all abilities ditch the “requires this specific weapon family” requirement.

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I agree, and don’t personally like the bleed mastery either. However I think they justify it because of the arms talents in classic.

Button press damage is fun. Slam is great, and I am not sure if I miss HS or if new slam is a good replacement!

arms could be so fun if they would do a few changes. i wish i could solo as well in the world as arms as i do as fury. i much prefer the fantasy of arms. they’ve just made it worse all around for casual play though.


Now just give enhancement 2 handers, SV hunters DW and warriors 1 handers and a lot of people will be very, very happy.


even if i could just mog the stupid 2h to look like 1h i’d be happy at this point. it looks so stupid imo.