[News] Shadowlands Class Updates

SV better be top melee dps if you want to see more SV hunters lol

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Since reputations are and always have been such a large part of this game I would tell those people that they are playing the wrong game and to go back to consoles

Really really really really really really bad.

Demo has severe issues with immobility and no interrupt when using its best pet.

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iā€™m probably going back to alliance in SL but with holy power coming back to pallies i have no idea what class to play now.

Yeah, instead, letā€™s make it like every other class that presses one button to build a resource and then spend it with your one spender button!

Overall this looks great!

I like the use of language: ā€œwrathā€ instead of ā€œsolar wrathā€ and ā€œstarfireā€ instead of ā€œlunar strikeā€. Wrath > solar wrath. Starfire > lunar strike. Will these abilities be reverting to their former glory?

Wotlk balance was tons of fun, and I am excited about this change!

Still hoping for Mark of the Wild! :smiley:

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Demo has an interrupt just a choice interrupt pet or dps pet.

i was a bear in wrath and the boomkins on the forums have always said that eclipse sucks. druid is a class i was thinking about for SL but i guess i have to wait til prepatch to decide. =\

Old school Subtlety was the greatest masterpiece of class design that has ever existed in WoW.

I am utterly heartbroken that they havenā€™t demonstrated any commitment at all to restoring it.

I too saw the interview with Ion Hazzikostas in that German magazine and interpreted his comments to mean a Subtlety rework was coming.

Looks like I was wrong, they appear to literally not even understand the feedback they are trying to act upon.

I donā€™t even know who is working on Subtlety Rogues these days, possibly someone new that really doesnā€™t get it (much like Celestalon and Sephuz who they replaced, who also didnā€™t get it at all, and have now moved on to the Hearthstone team).


I enjoy freedom, having to spam either wrath or lunar strike in windows again is a step backwards.

But Blizz seems to be nostalgia baiting people.

Iā€™m hoping windfury becomes a real threat in pvp again. Iā€™ll also sign on for shamans getting 2 handers again. Besides that so far the changes look pretty good.

its insane how out of touch they are with shadow as a spec in general, how can you think s2m should ever be a highlight of the spec. it was entirely toxic to everyone involved in every situation in the game, while being impossible to balance. please dont make this a core mechanic of the spec, it isnt fun, it isnt interesting, it just makes everyone hate you and makes you hate yourself for playing this garbage


As long as weā€™re giving 2H options back to Frost DK and WW Monk, Iā€™d love to see 1H Fury return to Warriors. I know Titanā€™s Grip has been part of the general class fantasy of fury for some time, but itā€™d be fun to be able to use one-handed weapons again.


i was full on going to go back to pally with the changes but i donā€™t like holy power for anything. so even though pally is getting cool stuff, itā€™s gonna suck. now i have no idea what to play.

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I am interested to see how this turns out as I am one of the few that like Enhancement how it is at this time. I donā€™t want it to go back to do all your attacks and then wait 8 seconds for abilities to come of cd while you auto attack like in wraith. That was awful.

Changes to the affinity system seem unsatisfying to me. I would almost rather they drop the whole concept in favor of what it was previously.

If I take Guardian affinity I can neither tank nor quest in bear form effectively. So what is the point? Even with Incapacitating roar there is no rotation to run and therefore no interest. As a Restoration affinity, I canā€™t heal a group nor is there any reason to solo with it. Whatā€™s the point? Same with the other affinities. The affinities are the loss of a lot of Druid fun in exchange for uninteresting buffs.

If you choose an affinity, you should just get every ability in the spec toolkit at just a lower effectiveness. Or at least close to every ability.


even if itā€™s just to let us mog. i would make my warrior my main alt if either theyā€™d fix arms or make fury able to mog 1h.

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have you gotten to 20 on a druid in classic? you have more buttons on that toon than a level 120 druid in retail. :expressionless:


Surrender to madness, void form, and insanity are all trash, I said what I said.


i wish theyā€™d rewind shadow to MoP like they are everyone else. :frowning: